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Digital promotion offers for UK Institutions: Scholarship promotion and promotion of your undergraduate courses for 2017 intake

In India, nearly 36% of the population has access to the internet. According to recent research, 82.7% urban students in the age group of 12-18 years own a mobile phone, while 75% own a computer. Moreover, the growth in demand for smartphones has been forecasted at 21.5% by the end of 2016. With 195.16 million users on Facebook, India has overtaken the US as the market with highest Facebook users. All these numbers suggest that India is at the peak of a digital revolution where more people are dependent on the internet to gain the first level of information and to carry out e-commerce transactions. In 2015, British Council conducted a survey amongst 1,200 Indian students where the results indicated 60% students use the Internet to gain information. Hence in order to communicate with the right target audience, an online presence is of prime importance.

In the first digital campaign announced in September, five universities participated, with two of them opting for both – scholarship promotion and promotion of postgraduate courses. The cumulative reach achieved through Facebook campaign is over 0.35 million and the campaigns are still in progress.

Offer 1: Scholarship Promotion

For Indian students looking for opportunities to study abroad, having a scholarship is an important aspect. Apart from financial aid, scholarships are considered as an indicator of academic excellence that strengthens the students’ profile. Given below are some statistics on the number of Indian students looking for a scholarship. This data has been collated over the last year from students that attended British Council events and briefing sessions:

  • 20% of the students who attended Education UK exhibitions in November 2015 and February 2016 are looking for scholarships as a source of funding
  • Based on the enquiries received at our centres 37% from Chennai, 40% from Bangalore and 26% from Delhi are looking for scholarships

Offer 2: Promotion of undergraduate courses

Promote your undergraduate courses via a specially designed tailor-made campaign. We aim to create a platform where UK institutions can still reach, engage and generate leads* in a cost effective manner. This digital campaign is aimed to help you promote your popular as well as niche undergraduate courses along with introducing new courses as well as generate interest for 2017 intake. Since many institutions will travel to India for exhibitions and other events, this campaign can be a pre-cursor to your face to face interactions.

To view the complete offer and the pricing please download the file below.

Action Required

To subscribe to the packages or to know more, contact Apoorv Aphale and Shruti Khanna before 4 January 2017.