Deliver online English programmes to students in India

UK higher education institutions can apply to deliver online English language teaching masters' programmes to students in India, supported by the British Council Scholarships for English Language Teachers India programme.  

This scholarships programme offers fully funded scholarships for students in India to study towards a Master of Arts in English Language Teaching, with an emphasis on the use of technology or multilingualism or bilingualism in classrooms.

Who can apply  

Any UK higher education institution who can offer a master's level programme for to up to three candidates, focusing on the following themes. 

  • English language teaching and educational technologies 

  • English language teaching in multilingual contexts.   

Institutions should have prior experience and should demonstrate a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Key details

Clarification deadline: 6 December 2023 (responses by 8 December 2023) 

Clarifications should be submitted to

Application deadline: 10 January 2024 

For more details please visit this page.

Our work in English

The British Council’s work in English programmes aims for transformational change in English language policy and practice. We believe that enhancing the quality of teaching and learning English fosters improved academic and career prospects, empowering individuals to actively engage in a global society. Therefore we support language teaching and learning in a multilingual world, and promoting inclusive and equitable quality language education in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4. 

In India, we engage directly with teachers and indirectly with learners each year within government education systems. We work closely with our government partners and national, international and UK organisations and institutions who share our goal to provide all teachers and students with access to high quality English language resources and instruction. 

Building capacity of practitioners is a core part of our work. Through this scholarship programme we aim to identify and support a select group of high-performing English language teachers and/or teacher educators to further their skills and knowledge.  

Action Required

How to apply: please visit this page for application details.

Application deadline: 10 January 2024