Creative Hustle

The last 5 years have witnessed an increasing growth and interest in the Nigerian creative industries from both the private and public sector. In response to this demand, the British Council invites UK institutions to participate in its first ever creative arts and Design fair tagged “The Creative Hustle”. The fair will showcase creative arts & design and built environment courses offered by UK institutions.

The event is the first of its kind and has been designed to ensure participation of a diverse range of stakeholders from the UK education sector. Keeping in line with the theme (Creative Hustle) the programme will be a fusion of academic presentations from UK institutions mixed with insights from successful Nigerian entrepreneurs working in the sectors.

Institutions are invited to express their interest to participate in wrap around sessions prior to the Creative Arts & Design Exhibition.

There are limited spaces available and only institutions offering courses related to the creative industries will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

Please see attached document for detailed information about the wrap around activities

Action Required

How to participate?

Please submit your expression of interest to participate by sending an email to by Tuesday, 17th March 2015. This should include a brief about your institutions programmes and reflect a creative industries component.

Please indicate in your email which package and activity your institution would like to participate in.

The Nigerian team will liaise with individual participating institutions for further information.

For further enquiries: Please email

The Creative Hustle Project.pdf315.41 KB