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Contribute advertisements and advertorials in the Scholarship and STEM Guides for students in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan

UPDATE: due to increased demand we are announcing 5 new advertisement and advertorial slots for the e-publications. And now to include Pakistan!

The British Council is delighted to announce two digital publications for distribution to students in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The publications will be on Scholarships and STEM. Both are extremely popular themes for students in the region and we expect the publications to be downloaded and very well received in the local student and parent markets.

This year UK higher education institutions have had reduced brand presence in South Asia’s key markets where they would have relied on fairs, roadshows and school tours. Lack of physical interactions and competing in what has become a crowded digital space for international education requires you to stand out and raise your profile to your target audiences.

This opportunity will ensure your brand value and visibility is maintained, raised and highlighted and you don’t lose market value in South Asia.

UK higher education institutions are invited to book advertisement space or contribute content for the publications.

*There will be one e-publication each for STEM and Scholarships respectively

About STEM Guide

This will serve as a guide for the thousands of students in the region who decide to study STEM subjects abroad. STEM is one of the most popular subjects students choose to study in the region. Governments in the region have upheld STEM as an important area for focus, and with demand outrunning supply, students are often required to look at options abroad. Career opportunities for STEM are better in the region and the industry-institution linkages in STEM in the UK, are considered of high value for students in South Asia. The STEM guide will be used by students to gain information about STEM courses in the UK, special preparations needed, use of studying STEM in the UK, industry linkages, career opportunity, infrastructural brilliance of STEM departments in the UK and more. Promotion and distribution of the e-publication will be coordinated with other Study UK marketing initiatives in these four markets to gain maximum exposure.

About Scholarships Guide

The Scholarships Guide will highlight the vast range of scholarships and bursaries on offer for students interested to apply for higher studies in the UK and will provide an easy search guide for both general UK scholarships and bursaries, as well as departmental and University or Institution level scholarships on offer to students from South Asia. It will be an easy reference guide for students who can search by level and subject and also be informed about scholarships that are specifically for their markets.

In a region where scholarships are a key deciding factor for students looking to study overseas, this is an ideal opportunity for UK institutions to build awareness of their scholarship offers to prospective students and influencers and to promote the UK as the global leaders in quality education. Institutions can promote as many scholarships as they would like.

Details of the two guides and offers therein, including marketing plan and cost is given below:

Benefits to UK Institutions:

  • Key publications for a South Asia audience: The STEM and Scholarships guide offers a highly accessible and cost-effective channel for UK institutions to promote their offering to an audience of prospective students in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. these are two highly relevant themes for the region and will be highly popular.
  • Massive reach and targeted promotions: We expect the e-publication to reach an audience of over 100,000 students and influencers including parents, counsellors, agents and principals through online channels, allowing participating institutions to extend their brand awareness to a very large section of our targeted audiences.
  • Access to multiple distribution channels: Promotional and distribution lists of the e-publication will be coordinated with the British Council’s education events all year round, including study UK fairs, virtual school tours, and other local events. The e-publications will also be sent to our databases across IELTS, English and Teaching Centres, Library, Study UK, Arts, Schools, Higher Education and more ensuring your brand gains recognition amongst a wide cross section of students, learners and influencers.
  • Cost Effective and streamlined: This is a one-stop shop for UK HEIs to promote their STEM courses and scholarships across 4 key markets in South Asia. UK Institutions can list all their scholarships for South Asian students in this booklet, free of cost, plus choose to build their profile and brand exposure through paid advertisements and quality content. 
  • Ideal for UK higher education institutions with low brand visibility in SA: This is the perfect opportunity for UK HEIs with low brand visibility in India and wider South Asia to build their profile in these markets. With India becoming the epicentre of international student mobility, UK HEIs with lower brand presence will find this very useful to gain recognition in these markets.
  • Perfect for UK higher education institutions​​​​​​​ who can’t travel this year: UK HEIs who are popular with students in South Asia are unable to travel this year and meet students, attend events and generally maintain their brand presence in these markets. This is the perfect opportunity for UK HEIs who feel they are losing brand presence through a lack of physical interaction, as it will be downloaded and shared widely amongst student communities and your brand will gain wide exposure.
  • Flexibility for UK higher education institutions​​​​​​​ on what they want to showcase: The content for the guides will be audience focussed and designed to help them choose the UK. UK HEIs will be able to choose from a wide range of contributions for the guides including brand advertisements, course promotions, alumni profiling, authoring articles and advertorials, advice columns, how-to guides, busting myths and more.

Promotional and marketing plan for the e-publications. This is not an exhaustive list.

The STEM e-publication and Scholarship Guide will be promoted through our large digital and social media platforms, both highly targeted to students and for wider audiences.

These include for all 4 markets:

  • Study UK Facebook
  • British Council country Facebook pages
  • British Council newsletters in each market
  • Direct Mailers: - branded email-shots to all potential students in our databases in all four countries who are interested in studying in the UK. The database also includes key influencers.
  • Databases from our fairs and other events which include high potential prospective candidates
  • British Council website country pages: this e-publication will be available in a downloadable pdf format through our British Council website country pages for India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan
  • The booklets will be available for students to download online, free of charge
  • Promoted widely across all forthcoming major events by the British Council in each country
  • Agents’ and school counsellors
  • Key schools and colleges as well as other educational institutions in each country
  • Teaching centre, library and IELTS networks across the region

Content outline:

UK higher education institutions can choose from one or more of the following:

STEM Guide:

  • Advertisement to promote any STEM related courses/scholarships/content
  • Alumni profile (by any South Asian student) 
  • Advertorial content on Popular STEM courses in the UK, STEM and employability, teaching STEM in the UK – why is it unique, top tips for applying for STEM courses in the UK, student journey for STEM applications etc.

Scholarships Guide

  • List of scholarships for South Asian students as per format provided (this is free of charge)
  • Advertisement of any scholarship for South Asian students
  • Advertorials on: how to prepare for scholarships, scholar profiles covering employability, busting myths/how-to perfect your scholarship interview
  • Student journey in applying for scholarships


UK institutions will be required to provide the following content:

Please note that we may request you to tweak the size of adverts and content as per editorial or market requirements

All participating institutions will receive a report on the number of downloads and reach of each publication one month after it is launched 

Cost and offer

Type of Advert


Size and Requirements


Listing of Scholarship with an option of updating information 2 times in the year for the online version




Advertorial page** on the inside front cover


**Only one available on a first-come, first-served basis.



Full page

Advertorial page** on the inside back cover


**Only two available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Full page

Advertorial page inside the booklet


Full page

Profile listing (Full page)



Full page

Profile listing (Half Page)


Half page

Alumni listing



Half page

*All prices are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated

*Prices outlined are per e-publication/per advert, profile listing etc.

**Limited availability on a first-come, first-served basis. Creatives to be provided by the institute

10% discount for the UK higher education institutions opting for both the e-publications (STEM and Scholarships Guide)


Action Required

How to participate?

Please complete the registration form by 30 October 2020

A confirmation email will be sent to you by 2 November 2020 and send you a content collection form for you to complete with the content you wish to promote, which must be returned to us by 9 November 2020. The e-publication will be launched on 5 December on the day of virtual fair.

For any query please write to vishu.sharma@in.britishcouncil.org