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Consultant opportunity for improving English language teaching and learning in Algeria

In response to the growing demand for English in Algeria and the associated opportunities English provides for young people to improve their employability, resilience and networking, the British Council is interested to understand from different stakeholder perspectives what systemic improvements in the teaching and learning of English are needed and how they can be most effectively implemented in the Algerian linguistic environment.

In addition to a literature review we are looking for a consultant to conduct primary data collection in Algeria beginning March 16, generating a draft report by the end of March 2020. The timeframe is short but allows for some flexibility in relation to both your availability and duration of assignment. In the first instance we envisage a total of 9 input days, 5 of which would be in Algeria. The consultancy will be carried out in partnership with a research associate currently based in Algeria, who has excellent in-country sector specific experience and a strong research background in the areas focussed on this assignment.

The terms of reference for the assignment are attached.

Action Required

If you are interested in carrying out the assignment and are available for the specified time period, please submit an expression of interest, following the directions in the ToR, to Jad.Hamze@lb.britishcouncil.org by 09:00 UK time Friday 6 February.

The selection process will be conducted quickly; we aim to confirm selection by 9 March. If you would like more details on the assignment please contact john.shackleton@britishcouncil.org.