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Consultancy opportunity to develop and deliver a Training of Trainers course focussing on entrepreneurship

The British Council is looking to commission a leading UK skills provider / or skills sector organisation to conduct a training needs analysis exercise of the managers who are responsible for implementing Espace Tremplin across vocational education centres in Tunisia. Espaces Tremplin was formed in 2010 as a specialist hub in Tunisian vocational centres and is dedicated to business creation and coaching of entrepreneurs. The commissioned organisation will develop and deliver a Training of Trainers course focused on Enterprise and innovation that will develop the competencies and capabilities of the managers of Espaces Tremplin, thus leading to improvements of supports and services to young people.

Value - £25,000 (inclusive of all travel, accommodation and material costs)

Action Required

Please complete Annex 1 (ITQ response) and submit it to ines.zaibi@tn.britishcouncil.org no later than 17.00hrs (UK time) on 26th February 2016.