Consultancy opportunity: CPD Stakeholder Programme 2023-24

The British Council Kazakhstan is looking for a qualified consultant to lead a policy-oriented work with stakeholders and provide effective guidance and support to a working group that will focus on streamlining educational policies and developing a policy proposal regarding teacher continuing professional development (CPD) in Kazakhstan.

Requested Services

The Consultant will work closely with a working group of 10-15 stakeholders and the local Team Leader who will be the contact point for all team members. The output of this work will be a developed proposal that will be submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Enlightenment. A key area will be the development of the national CPD Framework, to which teacher qualification standards and CPD opportunities are linked. In future, this will lead to subsequent decisions about the provision and accreditation of CPD in Kazakhstan.

The services will be based on the following tasks:
• design an overall consultancy programme of structured work with long-run objectives and intermediate targets and set deadlines
• provide guidance and ongoing expert input as required
• review and provide feedback on the work of the group
• organise and lead monthly online meetings with the working group
• generate regular online discussions with the local consultant/team leader
• conduct two in-country one-day meetings with the working group
• review and proof-read the proposal of the working group
• provide with the end of the work summary report and next steps recommendations

Consultancy dates

Start date: 01 September 2023
End date: 31 March 2024

Application process

• Deadline of submission of expression of interest – 1 August 2023
• Shortlisted candidates might be invited to an interview on 07 or 08 August 2023
• The final decision will be communicated by 11 August 2023.

The submitted proposal should include the following documents:

1. Cover letter, reflecting your relevant expertise and experience and outlining motivation for engaging in the CPD Stakeholder Programme with a suggested daily fee (maximum 500 words).
2. CV adjusted as per outlined requirements.
3. Links to a sample of a similar work that focuses on ELT policy development.

Submit your proposals to Ardak Bekturova – or if you have any questions about the role and/or the application process.

Please note, we can only respond to successful applicants and only within 5 working days of the application deadline.