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Connect with your alumni and expand your institution's professional network in Egypt at the 2019 UK Alumni Awards ceremony

The 2019 Study UK Alumni Awards ceremony will be held in Cairo on Monday 25 February 2019 at the British Embassy in Cairo. The ceremony will recognise and honour the outstanding achievements made by Egyptian alumni of the UK higher education, and will be hosted by HMA to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams at the British Embassy in Cairo.

The British Council held 2 successful ceremonies during 2017 and 2018: the media reach for 2018 event was worth 300,000 USD (as per the PR agency's report), the estimate reach of this campaign (TV, digital and newspapers in Egypt) is 2 million.

This year, we are inviting you to sponsor the UK Alumni Awards ceremony. The ceremony will provide you with an excellent opportunity for to engage with your alumni and Egyptian partners and to grow your professional networks in Egypt. The evening promises to be a fantastic celebration of the success of UK-Egypt educational exchange.


Benefits for UK institutions

  • Invite and engage with your alumni and partners during an evening of UK-Egypt education celebration.
  • Grow your institution’s professional network in Egypt.
  • Increase awareness of your institution’s brand amongst key stakeholders in Egypt.
  • Benefit from the huge press and media coverage of the event

Schedule (TBC)

19.00 Registration and pre-event reception

19.30 Study UK Alumni Awards ceremony commences

19.45 Professional Achievement Award recipient announced,

          Entrepreneurial Award recipient announced,

          Social Impact Award recipient announced

20.30 Dinner served

21.00 Networking


Sponsorship packages, table pricing and table size Price in GBP (excluding VAT)

Sponsorship package - 20 people £5000

  • Brand placement at the award ceremony (screen and side backdrops)
  • Logo included in the table menu
  • One page advertisement on programme brochure
  • Verbal recognition and acknowledgement by MC and awards presenters
  • 1 post event email shot on behalf of the sponsor to all attendees
  • Logo displayed on the post-event snapshot page
  • Photos and videos of the event including sponsor’s logo will be placed on the British Council website.
  • Press mentions in leading Egyptian media (including newspapers and social network platforms)
  • 1 email shot to all Study UK database in Egypt (more than 10,000 subscribers) to promote your institutions' programmes
  • 2 tables at the event to invite up to 20 alumni of your institution 

The deadline for expressing interest in this package Monday 4, February 2019


Tables packages - 10 people £1000

Tables will be sold on a first come, first served basis, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

Please note, each institution can purchase a maximum of two tables.

Tables must be bought as a whole, individual seats are not available.

The deadline for purchasing tables is Monday 11, February 2019. 



We anticipate the Study UK Alumni Awards ceremony will attract 150 guests, including the judges, award finalists from this year and previous years, representatives from education institutions, government stakeholders, VIPs, corporate partners, and sponsors.



The British Council’s Study UK Alumni Awards recognise and honour the outstanding achievements made by international alumni of a UK higher education. Award recipients are leaders in their respective fields, be it as entrepreneurs, professionals, or social change makers. They demonstrate how a UK education can bring positive change to communities, industries and countries, and are role models for others.

Action Required

To sponsor the Awards, please contact Yehia El Refaiy: Yehia.ElRefaiy@britishcouncil.org.eg.

To find out more about the Awards and last year's ceremonies and winners, see:


Please see short summary of the 2018 UK Alumni Awards ceremony here: 
