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Chair of the "Accreditation UK" Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee (ASAC)

We invite applications for this post, to start in May 2015.

The "Accreditation UK" Accreditation Scheme is a quality assurance scheme for over 560 centres providing English language teaching (ELT) for some 600,000 overseas students per year in private language schools and state colleges and universities. Each centre is fully inspected once every four years with additional spot check inspections as required.

Over 250 inspection reports are moderated each year by the Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee (ASAC). The Committee consists of 15 professionals with experience of the Scheme, ELT in the UK, the education and welfare of international students or educational evaluation.

The ASAC reports through its Chair to the Accreditation Scheme Executive Board (EB).

For more information, see www.britishcouncil.org/education/accreditation

The Chair is responsible for:

chairing all ASAC meetings (currently six part-day meetings per year, in London). This involves reading some 30-60 inspection reports (of about 15 pages) in preparation for each meeting
attending Accreditation Scheme Board meetings (currently four per year, usually one in Manchester and the rest in London) and contributing to policy development.
In this work the Chair is supported by staff of the Accreditation Unit of the British Council in Manchester, and the Senior Inspectors of the Scheme.

Requirements / Profile

The successful applicant will have experience of:

understanding, interpreting and applying rules impartially and realistically
assimilating information efficiently and accurately from reports
managing a committee with a heavy workload effectively and efficiently.

He or she will demonstrate:

enthusiasm for the Scheme and awareness of its significance in the global ELT industry and profession
interest in developing the Scheme and contributing to policy development
good interpersonal and time management skills
and will preferably

have a professional background involving service provision in the public and/or private sector
have experience of work in educational or legal fields, and/or in accreditation or evaluation
have experience of working in an international context.
Emoluments and contract

The post carries an honorarium of £6,200 per year, paid twice a year in arrears. Travel and subsistence costs are reimbursed at current British Council rates.

For further information, please see the full advertisement.

Action Required

Selection procedure

Please send a full CV with a covering letter describing how your skills and experience match those described above. Applications must be received by 1600 hours on 17 March 2015. Applications received after this date will not be accepted for shortlisting. Applications will be acknowledged.