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Call for UK Institutions to advertise in the British Council Study in the UK magazine in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka

About the Education UK Magazine

The magazine will cover all topics related to education, study and life in the UK. It will cover the key USPs of the UK as a study destination, levels and study options, highlighting UK’s teaching and research quality and global employability for graduates through alumni stories and career guidance. The publication will also touch on life as a student in the UK.

The magazine will include positive testimonials from South Asian alumni talking about their careers, study and life in the UK and beyond. The magazine will include more in depth information about the following subjects:  MBA and Management, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Art and Design and Humanities and Social Sciences to reflect current subject interest amongst local students.

As part of this offer, we welcome UK institutions to contribute free editorial content in the magazine The Study in UK magazine will be published and be available to download by September 2016 on British Council and EducationUK websites.

 Size and circulation

  1. Print size: A4 - 210 mm (w) x 297 mm (h)
  2. Number of copies:
Country Number of Copies
India 4000
Bangladesh 3000
Sri Lanka 1000
Total 8000







A total of 8,000 copies will be distributed across India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Pakistan has developed their very popular EducationUK magazine for the last 3 years and the next one will be published in Jan 2017. If you would like to promote your institution to Pakistani audiences, visit here.


Distribution and Promotion

  1. Distribution channels
    1. Across our Agent network
    2. Major schools and colleges as well as other educational institutions in each country
    3. British Council libraries across the region
    4. Teaching centres across the region
    5. Education UK briefings for students including Pre-Departure events
    6. All British Council offices and libraries front-of-house display
  2. Promotional activities 
  1. British Council in-house presentations
  2. outreach at local institutions and libraries
  3. online promotion through:-
  • Education UK Facebook
  • British Council Country Facebook Pages
  • Direct Mailers: - Branded email-shots to all potential students in our databases in all three countries. The database also includes key influencers.
  • Education UK and British Council website: This guide will be available in a downloadable pdf format through the Education UK and British Council websites for India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
  • EUK students’ newsletter
  • EUK agents’ newsletter

UK institutions will have the option to place paid advertorials in this annual publication; providing advertised institutions with direct visibility to prospective applicants and direct influencers.

Benefits of advertising with us

  1. Direct engagement with target audiences across 3 major markets in the region  
  2. Targeted reach to prospective students in a cost effective way.
  3. The e-version of the booklet will be uploaded on British Council and Education UK website, which generates nearly 125K online visitors per annum.
  4. The booklet will be advertised via our existing student’s and agents newsletter which has an approximate reach of 22,037 students and 1200 agents.
  5. Opportunity to raise your institution’s profile across the region by co-branding with the British Council.

For details on participation and costs, please review the attached offer for Participation.

Action Required

Submit your interest to

Anuradha Sareen | Regional Project Manager Services for International Education Marketing E: Anuradha.Sareen@in.britishcouncil.org

Deadline for sending Expressions of Interest is Monday 11 July 2016

Offer for Participation.pdf381.28 KB