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Call for UK HEIs to invite their alumni to the STUDY UK ALUMNI CONFERENCE AND ALUMNI AWARDS 2023 in India


UK universities and colleges are requested to inform their Indian alumni and encourage them to attend the annual Alumni Awards alongside the alumni conference in Kolkata on Saturday, 4 March 2023

The alumni awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of alumni and showcase the impact and value of a UK higher education. Award winners and finalists are leaders in their fields who have used their experience of studying at a UK university to make a positive contribution to their communities, professions and countries.

The Study UK Alumni Conference will start in the afternoon on 4 March before the Alumni Awards ceremony in the evening. It will have UK educated alumni from across India. The conference will be a combination of talks, networking sessions, interactive activities for a large alumni audience with different work experiences and professional interests. An excellent platform to learn and network.

The awards and the conference will be promoted across India to encourage UK educated alumni to participate.

Date: Saturday 4 March 2023
Venue: Oberoi Grand Hotel 15, Jawaharlal Nehru Rd, New Market Area, Kolkata, West Bengal.


  • To build professional contacts and connections
  • Opportunity for alumni to reconnect with the UK to relive the experience
  • Share experiences of UK education/career with others (particularly young people)
  • Engage in discussions through specially planned sessions
  • To build a community of UK education ambassadors and strengthen the university-industry connection
  • Celebrate outstanding alumni awarded in the ceremony.
  • Interact with key industry professionals and education and government stakeholders at the event.


  • Attained an educational qualification at either undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral or post-doctoral levels of study
  • Completed one term or semester as part of a fellowship or certification at a UK university,
  • Have trained /studied for a duration of a minimum of 4 weeks or more at a UK university
  • UK HEI professional or faculty. 

We request UK HEIs to promote the awards and conference amongst your alumni.

There is no registration fee to attend the meeting. However, outstation participants are expected to arrange and cover their own travel. All participants will be required to make their own way to the venue.

Action Required

UK HEIs to promote the conference amongst your alumni (e flier attached). Click here to register and participate, latest by Tuesday 28 February 2023. For queries, write to Sakshi.sharma@britishcouncil.org