Call for two-week Trainer Training course in the UK

The British Council is seeking a UK school to provide an off-the-peg Train the Trainer course for a group of up to 12 teachers of English from Kazakhstan. All costs related to participation in the course will be covered by the British Council.

5 of these teachers of English shall form a group of local teacher trainers within a professional development programme run by the British Council in Zhylyoi district of Atyrau region. The Programme aims to enhance the level and quality of English language teaching in Zhylyoi district by building the professional capacity of English teachers so as to improve their level of classroom performance. One of the objectives of the project is to create a pool of teacher trainers who will disseminate know-how, skills and methodology among their peers and set up a sustainable infrastructure for teacher training in the region. It is expected that the new teacher trainers will conduct a series of trainings to cascade the know-how in English language training to their peers.

The British Council therefore welcomes submissions from UK training providers who wish to be considered for this work.

Submissions should contain:

• Details of the range of two-week courses available stating methodology, course aims, learning outcomes and balance of input: practice hours per week. This should be quoted as a cost per group assuming a minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 participants.
• Details of the cost of any additional services offered (excursions, meals, airport transfer etc.). This should be quoted as a cost per participant.
• Accommodation options available (campus, homestay, hotel). These should be quoted per participant.

The timetable for the identification of course providers is as follows:

• 11 May 2015: deadline for submissions (by midnight UK time)
• By 29 May 2015: notification of selection of course providers
• 20 July 2015 onwards: training of up to 12 EL teachers (exact dates to be negotiated)

Enquiries about this call for submissions can be sent to

Submissions should be emailed (maximum 5mb) to by 11 May 2015.

Action Required

Enquiries about this call for submissions can be sent to

Submissions should be emailed (maximum 5mb) to by 11 May 2015.