Call for Supplier: UK Agent Training Finance Module

We are looking for a partner to work with us for one month to develop a training module for UK’s agent and counsellor training. The purpose of the ISMM programme is to improve the international students experience by engaging those that influence them, by offering accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities to study in the UK.

Our work focuses on empowering education agents, school counsellors and other organisations better represent the UK as a study destination. Education agents and counsellors are often not well versed in the UK’s payment landscape, UK education provider payment policies and options and what best practice looks like in order to ensure that students are making payments in a safe & secure manner.

This finance module will aim to:

1. Describe the UK’s Payment Landscape & key differences between that and the payment landscape of the UK’s key sending countries
2. Provide a detailed breakdown of an international student's journey from the time they start researching study options up until they begin their studies. Highlight where a student is typically thinking about and preparing finances & making different types of payments throughout the student journey i.e. application fees, deposits, tuition fees (in full or as part of a payment plan).
3. Highlight where financial risk gets introduced and why, and how agents can ensure students stay safe at every stage of their financial journey.
4. Outline financial best practices for education agents and how they produce good outcomes for agents, students & institutions.

If you are interested in developing this module please view the RFP