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Call for proposals - Services for International Education Marketing Conference 2014

We're delighted to announce that this year's Services for International Education Marketing Conference will take place in Brighton on 10-11 December 2014.

We are currently open for proposals from members of the UK education sector who wish to deliver or contribute to sessions at this year's Conference.

The Conference is designed for international marketing professionals from UK universities, colleges, boarding schools and English language providers. The two-day event will provide sessions focussing on market intelligence, best-practice sharing and strategy development in the field of international education marketing. Sessions will be around one hour in length with 15 minutes additional for questions.

We are expecting around 450 delegates to attend the event this year.

Please submit any proposals to siem.conference@britishcouncil.org by 31 May 2014.

Action Required

Please submit any proposals to siem.conference@britishcouncil.org by 31 May 2014.