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  • Call for proposals: General English-Language Course in the UK for Chilean Students (18+)

Call for proposals: General English-Language Course in the UK for Chilean Students (18+)

A client of the British Council in Chile is looking for a 3 week British Council Accredited language course provider in the UK, to provide 20 hours per week of a General English-language course for a group of young students from Chile. Preferably, the UK language school will be city-based (including the possibility of smaller cities such as Cambridge), and the course should be a combination of classes in the morning, with a range of sporting and cultural activities in the afternoons. Cultural excursions on the weekends. An open group option is preferred.

  • Duration: 3 weeks
  • Course Dates: January/February 2020
  • Group Description:
    • A group of 10 Chilean students, with all levels of English wishing to improve their general English skills (age range: 18+).

Action Required

Proposals should be sent to pia.reategui@britishcouncil.org by no later than Thursday, 18 July 2019 using the Submission Template. Subject line: “Proposal – General English for Chilean Students 2020” Proposals will be assessed according to compliance with the terms of reference above and breakdown of costs/budget. Only institutions shortlisted for consideration will be contacted for follow-up.