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Call for proposals - e-teaching and learning in higher education in Georgia

Call for proposals open until 10 December 2020 to undertake baseline study into provision of e-teaching and learning in higher education in Georgia

Research Objectives
• To provide the British Council and relevant stakeholders with a comprehensive national report on the:
a) constraints and opportunities to inform support of digital teaching and learning strategy development in Georgia
b) existing knowledge, skills and capabilities of academic staff
c) necessary qualifications, skills and the training and professional development needs to deliver quality digital teaching and learning

• To define recommendations following UK good practice and leading to potential partnerships with UK expert organizations in digital and Higher Education sector in the following areas:

a) CPD opportunities for academic staff relevant to their digital teaching needs
b) model structure, profile, and role of the teaching staff that is aligned with the e-pedagogical models
c) potential development of accredited continuing professional development (CPD) schemes

To submit your proposal please refer to the Terms of References (Annex 4) and complete a supplier response and pricing approach.

Action Required

To submit your proposal please refer to the Terms of References (Annex 4) and complete a supplier response and pricing approach.

Clarification questions can be raised by emailing Tamuna Kvachadze