Call for Proposal:Research on Trans-National Education: India

British Council India is conducting a research on successful models of collaboration between UK and India institutions for future opportunities under Transnational Education.

The research will be expected to draw from real experiences of existing TNE operations and provide up-to-date information and analysis of the regulatory and legal frameworks; identify the drivers for TNE (motivations, capability, expectations and perceptions) in the country, successful operating models, and competition and future opportunities for TNE partnerships.

The report aims to inform and advise the UK Higher Education Sector on the changing landscape and current operating environment for transnational education in India and will be an important publication for wide circulation across the Indian and UK higher education sectors.

We would like to extend this opportunity to UK institutions to conduct research and produce a report for the British Council on successful models of collaboration between UK and India. More information about the terms of reference and guidelines are available on

There are three documents that cover the entire scope of work for this research:
1) Request for Proposal Document
2) Supplier Response Template – Technical & Financial
3) The British Council Standard Contract

For any further queries, or to submit your bid kindly send your completed proposals to by15 May 2015.

Action Required

For any further queries, or to submit your bid kindly send your completed proposals to by15 May 2015.