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  • Call for partners: Better quality of education in the Pomorskie region (Poland).

Call for partners: Better quality of education in the Pomorskie region (Poland).

Gdańsk City Council (Poland) is seeking partners to bid for funding for a large scale education project. The project aims at improving the general quality of education in the Pomorskie region based on the diagnosis of the region’s current education system. The key focus areas are teacher professional development and improvement of students’ learning outcomes with a view to increase their future employability.

In detail, the project will:

- Provide support and assistance to schools and individuals in the area of teaching methodology and core competencies development

- Provide support and assistance to schools and individuals in the area of working with students with special needs

- Minimise disparities and inequalities between students

- Build new and strengthen the existing links between schools and the professional environment, in particular universities and businesses within the region


About Gdańsk City Council

Gdańsk City Council is the key legislative and control organ in the city. Its main powers include deciding on the city statute, budget, and local arrangement and economical plans.


Following the partner selection procedure, the Council, together with the successful applicants, will bid for funding from the European Structural Funds managed by the Marshall Office of the Pomorskie region.

Action Required

If you are interested in learning more about the partnership opportunity please follow this link.

More information about the funding can be found here.

Please note that all the information is available in Polish.