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Call for Interest: Higher Education Partnership Opportunities from the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, China


China issued a master plan in Oct 2021, for the construction of the Chengdu (CD)-Chongqing (CQ) economic circle, demonstrating its determination to foster a key growth pole in western China. Development of high-quality higher education is one of the priorities for the circle. More information about the circle could be found at http://english.scio.gov.cn/in-depth/2021-10/22/content_77826679.htm.


Five key higher education institutes in Chengdu and Chongqing municipalities are now looking for UK partners to develop higher education partnerships. In terms of collaboration format, the partners are all open for discussion re any format listed below:

  • Articulation programme
  • Joint education programme
  • Joint institute without legal person entity

You can find detailed needs and requests from each of the Chinese institutes, in the attached files. Below is a brief summary.

1.Southwest Petroleum University (CD): www.swpu.edu.cn/en

At both BA and MA levels: Oil and gas engineering, geoscience and technology, mechanical and electrical engineering, chemistry, computer science technology

2.Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQ): www.english.cqupt.edu.cn

At both BA and MA levels: Data science, supply chain management, financial mathematics

3.Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering (CQ): www.cqcet.edu.cn/xxgk/General_Information.htm

At college diploma level: Information security, internet of things applications, automobile manufacturing and other possible fields

4.Chongqing University of Education (CQ): www.cque.edu.cn/english

At BA level: Data technology, computer science and technology, internet of things engineering, information and computing science, primary education, economics and finance

5.Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (CQ): www.scfai.edu.cn/english

At BA level: Digital media, product design, sculpture and landscape design

Action Required

UK partners interested in any of the opportunities above, please register your initial interest and question through the online survey: https://forms.office.com/r/yR9BM9dfrQ by 30 November 2022.

After your survey response is received, we will be in touch with you and put you in contact with relevant Chinese partner(s) as early as we can. You can also send any of your enquiry to us at ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn.