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Call for expressions of interest: Video Campaign "But what about Brexit?"

SIEM Europe is looking for Universities, Colleges of Further Education, Independent schools and English schools who would like to participate in the video campaign “But what about Brexit?” addressing EU student’s questions and concerns

- To provide information support to potential students from the EU post-referendum, addressing any specific question they may have in relation to Brexit
- To keep the image of UK as an attractive destination in view of the autumn recruitment activities
- To support your recruitment from the EU

- Short videos of European students in the UK / UK alumni / UK academics, answering questions that have arisen post-referendum
- Videos will have subtitles in English / local language (depending on the speaker’s language)
- Videos will be streamlined through British Council resources of selected countries

Your contribution:

A speaker who can record a 30 sec to 1 min video answering a specific question in the course of the next month which will then be used for public campaigning on British Council resources in Europe. The name of your institution will be mentioned in the subtitles.

Example of questions / answers

1) The UK is the most recommended English-speaking destination by overseas students. But what about Brexit?

Student speaking (EXAMPLE): I have been here since 2013, and I haven’t seen any change post-Brexit. I study X at the University Y, and I’ve always received all the support I needed as an international student. I live in student residence and I share a room with 2 other students, one from XX and the other from YY, and none of us has any complaints on change of attitude on the part of the locals or our professors.

2) A UK higher education qualification is highly regarded by employers across the globe. But what about Brexit?

Careers specialist speaking (EXAMPLE): UK leaving the EU won’t affect the recognition of UK degrees, as that is regulated by the Bologna agreement which is wider than EU + details to be added

What you are getting:

- Visibility of your institution
- Showcasing the most trusted voices - your students and alumni
- Your institution’s support to European students and to your recruitment from the EU

Action Required

If you would like to be part of the campaign, please e-mail Marina Bykova Marina.Bykova@britishcouncil.org to express your interest and get further information by 15 July.