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Call for Expression of Interest: SEE Into the Future Astana: Skills, Entrepreneurship and Employment in the 21st century, 18 - 19 November 2014

Profile-Raising Opportunities in Kazakhstan
The British Council invites expressions of interest from UK colleges and higher education institutions with demonstrable interest in Kazakhstan, Turkey or other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to deliver a case study or workshop at the British Council’s prestigious policy discussion and seminar, SEE Into the Future Astana.  Expressions of interest are also invited to exhibit a stand at the event.


The UK has significant expertise and experience of interest to Kazakhstan and other countries in the region. The British Council promotes the UK education and training offer:

  • through our EducationUK exhibitions which last year attracted 21,000 visitors in four countries in the region, with participation of 138 UK institutions
  • working alongside HMG partners such as UKTI Education to position UK organisations to access commercial contracts in skills and vocational education in Kazakhstan and the region. In Kazakhstan alone we have helped promote tender opportunities leading to more than £2m worth of contracts for the UK TVET sector since the British Prime Minister’s historic visit in July 2013.

In a region where personal contact is imperative for business success, SEE Into the Future Astana will provide an opportunity for UK higher education institutions and colleges to showcase expertise in areas such as education/industry engagement, qualifications, curriculum development and teaching and learning, positioning them favourably for potential future consultancy and contract opportunities.

Through delivery of presentations and workshops, through direct B2B marketing stands, and through networking at the event and exclusive reception, UK universities and colleges can demonstrate first-hand the strength of their expertise in skills, employability and entrepreneurship.

Partners and Audience

SEE Into the Future Astana will be run in partnership with Kazakhstan’s flagship Nazarbayev University and Kasipkor Holding (the national TVET agency tasked with setting up a network of world-class colleges across the country). The conference takes place within the framework of an MOU on education co-operation currently being developed between the Kazakhstani Ministry of Education and Science and the UK Government, as well as a Knowledge Partnership Agreement between the UK and Turkish Governments to strengthen co-operation in higher education and skills.

Critically, SEE Into the Future Astana follows on from, and takes account of, the forthcoming Inter-Governmental Commission between Kazakhstan and the UK. It will attract an audience of around 300 government policy-makers, university and college leaders and practitioners, business leaders and other influencers and senior managers, with tens of thousands more accessing highlights online.

Action Required

Application Details

1. Opportunity to deliver a case study or workshop at SEE Into the Future Astana seminar
We invite expressions of interest in delivering a 60 minute session on one or more of the themes below (more information on themes in Annex A):

  • How can education providers and industry better co-operate together?
  • How can we help young people make the right career choice and how can industry be confident that young people have the skills that they need?
  • How does teaching and learning need to change in order to better equip young people for future employment and business success?

The session should be lively and engaging, drawing on practical experience and providing opportunity for the audience to discuss and reflect on the theme in their own context. Expressions of interest should outline the applicant’s interest in Kazakhstan or the general Eastern Europe / Central Asia / Turkey region and should include a proposed session outline, detailing the theme to be covered, objectives and a brief session plan.

This is NOT a direct marketing opportunity but a chance to demonstrate expertise in these areas vital to the development of the highly-skilled workforce sought by Kazakhstan and other countries in the region
Contact: Expressions of Interest to Albina.Tortbayeva@kz.britishcouncil.org
Cost: This opportunity is free of charge to higher education institutions and colleges. You will be expected to pay for your own travel to and accommodation in Astana. The British Council will help with negotiating discounted hotel rates and with visa invitations if required (visas are no longer required for 15-day business visits by UK passport-holders).
Deadline: Friday 10 October 2014

2. Opportunity to exhibit a stand at the event
We invite UK higher education institutions, colleges and other education and training providers to exhibit a stand at the event to showcase their full B2B offer.
Contact: Interested exhibitors contact Albina.Tortbayeva@kz.britishcouncil.org
Cost:  £500
DeadlineFriday 10 October 2014

Annex A
Themes to be addressed at SEE Into the Future Astana

  • How can education providers and industry better co-operate together? This theme will look at practical ways in which industry and education providers can work together eg to ensure the curriculum is relevant to industry, and young people get valuable work experience.
  • How can we help young people make the right career choice and how can industry be confident that young people have the skills that they need? This theme will look at careers guidance and how it can be as effective as possible. It will further look at ensuring young people get the relevant and credible qualifications for employability in their chosen career paths.
  • How does teaching and learning need to change in order to better equip young people for future employment and business success? This theme will look at the skills young people need for employability including English, ICT, and transferable skills. It will look at developments in teaching and learning such as adopting an entrepreneurial learning approach. It will also address social inclusion ie how we can ensure all young people have the skills necessary for employment and successful participation in the economy.