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Call for expression of interest to participate in the British Council 70th Anniversary Scholarships 2019-20

The British Council India invites UK HEIs to participate in its second edition of the 70th Anniversary Scholarship programme for Indian women pursuing a Master’s degree in STEM subjects.

British Council is launching the second edition of its 70th Anniversary Scholarship programme for Indian Women to pursue a Master’s programme in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) in the United Kingdom.

The scholarship programme, valued at GBP 1 million, will fund full tuition for 70 Indian women to study a Master’s programme at a UK HEI in STEM subjects for the academic year 2019-20, enabling young women to access some of the world’s best universities and colleges in the UK.

British Council’s investment in women scholars supports Indian Prime Minister Modi’s shift to women-led development and also supports its objectives as below:

  • Sustainable Development Goal to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls
  • Women who are likely to become leaders in their fields over the next twenty years

Scholarship Details

  • The scholarships are open to women across India.
  • The scholarships will cover full tuition only for Master’s in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), programme in a UK HEI starting September/ October 2019
  • The duration for the Master’s programme should be one year of study.
  • Living and other related expenses will be borne by the candidate or their sponsor.

Scholarship Model: How the UK HEI can participate?

  • The participating UKHEI will agree to offer 20 percent discount on the published tuition fee to the final scholar awardees.
  • British Council will contribute the remaining 80 percent of the published tuition declared at the time of nomination for each scholar awardee.
  • The UKHEIs will nominate admitted students and connect with them to submit individual applications for the scholarship as per the prescribed format.
  • Each application will be reviewed by a panel put together by the British Council based on pre-defined criteria. The final selection and decision of the scholarship award will rest with the British Council’s selection panel.

Process and Timeline

You can nominate up to five women who have an excellent academic track record and have secured admission for a Masters’ programme in STEM subjects at your institution through the nomination form.

  • 18 January 2019: Deadline to nominate up to five candidates who meet the mentioned eligibility criteria and have secured admission for a Master's programme in STEM courses at your institution.
  • 31 January 2019: On completing scholar nominations, UK HEIs will receive an email with application details to be sent to the candidates. Each nominated candidate will need to submit a complete scholarship application before the 31 January deadline.
  • 20 February 2019: A British Council selection panel will select the final scholar awardees.
  • 1 March 2019: Contracts with the UK institutions to be signed.
  • 7 March 2019: Participating UK HEIs to submit invoices and bank details
  • 15 March 2019:  The scholarship funds will be remitted to the UK institution’s bank accounts.


Action Required

Submission of expression of Interest

UK HEIs can learn more about the scholarship by submitting their expression of interest on the following link http://bit.ly/EOI_UKHEI_70yr_19-20.

Deadline: 10 January 2019

Contact the British Council Scholarship team with your queries: bcindia.scholarships@britishcouncil.org