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Call for consultancy – Mauritania Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Mauritania is a country of some 3.5 million of whom approximately one third live in the capital, Nouakchott. The University of Nouakchott and other institutes of higher education are based here but many educated Mauritanians have studied outside the country.

The government has identified that a major recurring concern is the availability of people with practical skills in English to satisfy the technical, scientific and administrative needs of almost all sectors. The MOHESR is therefore considering the formation of a Higher Institute of English which would aim to meet the demand of the national labour market as well as that of the public and private sectors of Mauritania. However, it acknowledges that there might be other preferred ways of meeting this need.

Scope of work

1.    The output will be a report addressed to the MOHESR providing recommendations regarding improving the provision of English language study in Mauritania in the HE sector, and in particular the setting up a Higher Institution of English in Nouakchott.  

2.     It is anticipated that a mix of desk and field research will be required and that, as part of this scoping, a visit to Mauritania of up to 5 days will be required.  The MOHESR will facilitate a visa for this purpose and provide on the ground logistical support.

3.    The consultants should include a detailed and comprehensive framework for the setting up of a standard language institute.  This part of the report should contain, but not be limited to;

·                design of the language institute facilities

·                syllabus and materials design

·                identification and selection of the equipment required for a language institute

·                intensive and fast track language learning

·                language immersion programs

·                recruitment of English language teachers (native speakers)

·                presentation of / recommendation for tests recognized internationally

·                training needs for teachers

4.    Interested parties should be available to complete the work and submit their report by the end of July 2015

5.    Payment – payment of  50% up front with the remainder to be paid after the visit and submission of the report. 

Action Required

This call has been initially facilitated by The British Council but all negotiations and contracting will be directly between the MOHESR and the successful contractor. The British Council accepts no responsibility for payment etc.

Further details. Further details and any enquiries should be addressed to Dr. Jiddou Sounkalo, Director, Institut Supérieur Professionnel de Langues, de Traduction et d'interprétariat jsounkalo@yahoo.com