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Call for concept papers for the improvement of IT education in high schools in Azerbaijan

Support for improvement of IT education in high schools in Azerbaijan

BP and its co-venturers in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG), Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC), Shah Deniz (SD), and South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) invites Azerbaijani and international legal entities to submit project proposals for supporting the development and implementation of Information Technologies (IT) Education Program in the selected high schools in Azerbaijan.

Applications containing all the supporting documents should be submitted to cdi@bp.com no later than 09:00 July 24, 2017.

For additional inquiries and clarifications, please, contact Nijat Garayev at nijat.garayev@bp.com

Action Required

Applications containing all the supporting documents should be submitted to cdi@bp.com no later than 09:00 July 24, 2017.
For additional inquiries and clarifications, please, contact Nijat Garayev at nijat.garayev@bp.com