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Call for Application - Newton Fund – Researcher Link Workshop Grants

British Council in collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry is delighted to announce Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop Grant to bring together early-career researchers from India and the UK to build international connections which can support them in improving the quality of their research. Once funded, grants are available for early-career researchers in India and the UK to attend the workshop in the hosting country.

These grants are funded under the Newton Fund, a UK Government initiative funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), together with partner funders from around the world. The Fund aims to promote the economic development and welfare of either the partner countries or, through working with the partner country, to address the problems of low-income and vulnerable populations. 

How to Apply

  • Leading Researchers who meet the criteria of “Leading Researchers R4 “as defined by the European Commission are welcome to apply as workshop coordinators.
  • Each proposal must have one workshop coordinator from the UK, as well as a workshop coordinator from India.
  • Please see list of eligible UK research institutions 
  • ODA requirement: All applications must meet the required relevance to economic development or social welfare (see guidelines for further information) of the partner country.

Priority areas: Within the chemical sciences proposals, the following challenge areas are particularly welcome:  Research with relevance to the below areas at the Chemistry-Biology interface, the Chemistry-Materials interface and the Chemistry-Environmental Science interface are also welcome

  • Human Health – e.g. Antimicrobial resistance, neglected diseases, medical chemistry, bio-materials, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, neglected tropical diseases, child mortality, maternal health 
  • Energy – e.g. sustainable fuels, chemicals and energy storage. 
  • Climate, Environment and Sustainability – e.g. climate change, green technology, sustainable development, ecosystem services, resource scarcity, new materials, nanomaterials, water quality, climate, agriculture, air. 
  • Sustainable energy for all 
  • Water and sanitation 
  • Food


13 June 2017, 16.00 (UK time)

Please click here to view Guidance Notes, Application Form and other details on eligibility.


All queries or comments about this call should be addressed to the Researcher Links email address UK-ResearcherLinks@britishcouncil.org and/or purti.kohli@britishcouncil.org. Please specify that you are enquiring about the Newton Researcher Links Workshops call.

Action Required

Please disseminate this information further amongst your relevant contacts.