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British Council SIEM survey: How will your institution engage with the EU after Brexit?

We need your input!

UK universities are deeply connected to the European Union – EU students comprise 30 per cent of all international students enrolled in the UK, there are nearly 30,000 EU students studying on UK TNE programmes and over 20,000 on distance learning courses.

But how might these connections change once the UK leaves the EU? While a tremendous amount of uncertainty remains surrounding Brexit’s impact on HE, we’d like to know how your institution is thinking about future engagement.

We’ve prepared a short survey covering post-Brexit activities. We would greatly appreciate your participation. We will publish the overall results on the SIEM Insights Blog next week so that you can see how your views align with the rest of the sector. 


Why should I complete survey?

This information will help us better tailor our services to your needs. We also share the overall results, which will help you see how your thinking will align with the rest of the sector. Individual responses and institutional affiliations will not be disclosed.

Who should complete the survey?

UK international office staff familiar with their institution’s EU activities and strategy

How long will it take to complete?

Approximately 5 min.

Action Required

Respondents should be UK university representatives familiar with their institutions' EU recruitment and partnership activities and strategy. If you are not familiar with these activities, please help us pass the link on to the appropriate person at your institution.

Link to short survey: