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British Council Pakistan seeks proposals from Institutions and Organisations for delivery of the Leadership Programmes for Higher Education sector of Pakistan

Terms of Reference for Technical Assistance

British Council Pakistan has a number of years of experience of arranging educational leadership capacity building programmes. Different training programmes were organised for Vice-Chancellors, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Deans and Rectors of Universities and senior officials of the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

These trainings/courses are designed to improve the participants’ strategic planning and leadership, and enhance their capacities by introducing management tools and providing an orientation to working in the universities of the UK. 96% Vice Chancellors from Pakistani Universities have been trained so far under HEC and British Council Leadership program in the UK.


British Council Pakistan is seeking proposals from Institutions/organisations in the UK to provide leadership training programmes to four groups (25 delegates in each group) from Pakistan Higher Education Institutes and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The details of the groups are:

  • A group of Senior Administrators  ( Deans, Registrars)
  • A group of Deputy Administrators ( Controller Examination, Directors Planning Departments)
  • A group of Vice Chancellors/ Rectors
  • A group of officials of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

Themes of the Programme

HEC has identified the following themes for the leadership programme for the programmes.

  1. Financial management; financial planning/ budgeting self-reliance income generation mechanisms, resource management and commercialization etc.
  1. Academic innovation; Teacher and management training, continuous professional development and capacity building of university related stakeholders.
  1. Research Excellence; Research creating impact on the economy of the countries.
  1. Overview of UK higher Education systems and visits to relevant organizations.

Expected outputs and timeframes

  1. Organisation will be required to submit a proposed programme according to the above mentioned themes along with the profiles of the facilitators
  1. The programme should include visit to relevant institutions / organisations.
  1. The programme should include visit to cultural sites.
  1. The programme should include post programme peer support and implementation of action agendas with the participants.
  1. Each programme will be attended by 25 participants each, all from Pakistan.
  1. The programme should be for a maximum of 8 days.
  1. The programme should be delivered in 2016/2017 (dates to be confirmed)


British Council expects the proposals to provide a turnkey solution which will include housing of the visitors, local transportation for the programme including airport transfers and meet and greet; arrangements of the study visit to other universities and meetings with other stakeholder and relevant arrangements. International flights and Visa facilitation for the UK will be arranged by British Council Pakistan.

Expressions of interest

Interested organisations/ institutions can apply for either one of the training or more and should contact:

Deadline for expression of interest is 30 November 2016. Please share expression of intrerest along with an up-to-date profile of the organisation, technical and financial proposal and covering letter, stating how they meet the criteria required for this TA work.

Action Required

Expressions of interest

Interested organisations/ institutions can apply for either one of the training or more and should contact:

Hamza Salim Ahmed, Project Manager Higher Education & Skills, British Council Pakistan hamza.salim@britishcouncil.org.pk
Saman Imtiaz, Head SIEM, British Council Pakistan saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk
Deadline for expression of interest is 30 November 2016. Please share expression of intrerest along with an up-to-date profile of the organisation, technical and financial proposal and covering letter, stating how they meet the criteria required for this TA work.