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  • British Council is looking for UK VET sector expert for the development of Agriculture Occupations in Azerbaijan

British Council is looking for UK VET sector expert for the development of Agriculture Occupations in Azerbaijan

British Council Azerbaijan in partnership with BP and the Ministry of Education is launching a pilot project in Vocational Education to develop new occupations (Crop Production Specialist and Agriculture Machinery Specialist) responding to the needs of the labour market. As part of the project British Council Azerbaijan is looking for an experienced UK institution in the VET sector to conduct a scoping visit to Azerbaijan in November 2016 and meet with the management of Gabala vocational school, Ministry of Education, National VET Agency, and Institute for Educational Problems.

Following this visit the UK Partner will design and conduct a 3-day capacity building training programme to endow the writers of the modules with knowledge and skills needed to deliver innovative curriculum in the field of agriculture. The UK Partner will provide expertise from the UK on curriculum development compliant with national and international standards in addition to providing teacher training and capacity building.

As a follow up to the first visit in February/March 2017 and subject to the satisfaction of all parties it is hoped that a formal strategic partnership agreement/Letter of Intent with the newly formed Azerbaijan National VET Agency will be signed. This may explore the potential development for a variety of activities such as collaborations in the area of agriculture, joint programmes, English language training, academic exchanges and development projects.

The project will draw on the expertise and experience of the UK partner who will have enjoyed exceptional success in this field. Selected teachers of VET agriculture schools and specialists in the field of agriculture in Azerbaijan will undergo a capacity building training session by the UK partner. The local experts will then be responsible for developing relevant modules in accordance with national standards. The project ultimately aims to launch an institutional partnership between the UK partner institution and newly formed National VET Agency.

Please complete and submit attached application form to ilham.yusifov@britishcouncil.az no later than 30 September 2016, 17:00 hours (UK time).

Action Required

Please see attached ITQ and Application form for the project for more information:

1. Azerbaijan AVEDNO Agriculture project - ITQ
2. Azerbaijan AVEDNO Agriculture project - Application Form