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British Council International Agents Fair for Further Education Colleges

Following the success of the British Council International Agents Fair for Boarding Schools and Sixth Form Colleges, we are planning to hold a similar event exclusively for UK Further Education Colleges in Autumn 2015. The pilot event will bring up to 15 carefully selected education agents from around the world to the UK to visit and meet with FE colleges across two fairs. The locations will be decided depending on the responses we get.

We would anticipate that the cost of attending the fair will be approximately £600 plus VAT per institution.

There will be an opportunity for 4 colleges to host agent’s visits of approximately 2 hours, giving you the opportunity to showcase your college, students and staff. We would ask that you provide lunch or light refreshment during this visit (tea, coffee and biscuits). This will cost approximately £250 plus VAT per institution.

We would also like to offer you the opportunity to host one of the two fairs.

. We would request that host colleges provide:

•Large hall for the fair to take place
•Up to 15 tables with 3 chairs per table for college exhibitors •Power and WIFI internet access to each exhibitor stand •Lunch for all attendees at the fair (up to 45 people) •Tea and coffee mid-morning and mid-afternoon for all attendees at the fair (up to 45 people) •Accommodation for the agents’ party on the night of the fair (around 17 people)

In return, we will allocate two hours in the agents’ programme on the morning of the fair for tours around your college, meetings with staff and pupils and so on. The host college would also be permitted to have a stand at their fair at no cost. The cost of these two items normally would be around £850.00 plus vat. We hope you agree that this is a good opportunity to showcase your college to the agents and your colleagues from other institutions.

Action Required

If you are interested in attending the fair, hosting one of the fairs or hosting a 2 hour agents visit then please complete the survey by Monday 16th February. We will then be able to send out a programme of events, including definite costs and locations. In the meantime, we will begin the process of agent selection based on the priority markets identified in the survey.
