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The British Council India launches 'Conversion event for UK Institutions in India'

An opportunity for UK institutions to target focussed students, who have already applied overseas or are offer-holders, through one-on-one interactions ensuring students take the next step towards enrolment in the UK.
June to August are crucial months in the recruitment cycle for UK Universities. Students who are interested in higher studies would have either applied to Universities abroad or would be waiting for their results in India which are typically out by June.

The Conversion event is being organised for Universities to guide students who are offer holders or have recently applied overseas. This exclusive visit will be an excellent platform for participating UK institutions to convert their existing applicants and potential new students at the critical decision making phase using a face-to-face format in key cities in India. Institutions can take this opportunity to extend their brand presence and create awareness across a larger student population through a single location in each city.

Who is our target audience?
Each year there are thousands of students who are unable to get into a university or college of their choice in India. Additionally, in the USA, another very popular destination for Indian students, University admissions closes by June. Students are thus keen on exploring options in the UK. This puts UK institutions at a clear advantage. Institutions can also use this opportunity to meet students who have multiple offers and are undecided.
One-on-one interaction at this crucial stage of the student journey will prove important in conversion through to admissions to your institution.

Format of the programme:
All students will be required to register for the event through prior appointment. This ensures institutions meet students who have already applied but are awaiting decisions or hold multiple offers and are in the final decision making stage for the current intake.
Additionally, the event will also target a wider group of students who are considering the UK for higher studies but haven’t yet applied or hold offers from other countries. The intake target will be for September 2015 and January 2016.
The format of the programme will include two elements:

  1. 2 to 3 hour session delivered to students by the British Council to cover Visas, Scholarships, Life and Study in the UK as well as post study employability in the UK and returning to India. We will be inviting participation from UKVI as well as an HR professional from India.
  2. One to one appointments for applicants to meet with University representatives held at British Council offices.

Benefits to the participating Institutions:

  1. One to one interaction with applicants at the critical decision making stage – providing them with counselling to inform final decisions and increase conversion to your institution.
  2. An opportunity to meet new prospective students for enrolment in the current intake  
  3. A platform to meet with your direct applicants who are not applying through agents
  4. Tracking of student data from appointment through to enrolment to show Return on investment.
  5. A quality driven focussed event with focussed students

Benefits for Students:

  1. An opportunity to meet UK University staff face to face to ask questions
  2. Talks from HR professionals in India: Guidance on careers
  3. Seminar on visas, study and life in the UK
  4. Information on scholarships

Event details:
The Conversion event will be held across the following metro cities:-
Friday, 5 June - in British Council Kolkata , Maximum number of UK institutions : 6
Sunday, 7 June - in British Council Bangalore , Maximum number of UK institutions: 6
Wednesday, 10 June - in British Council Chennai , Maximum number of UK institutions: 6
Friday, 12 June - in British Council Mumbai , Maximum number of UK institutions: 6
Sunday, 14 June - in British Council Delhi, Maximum number of UK institutions: 10

The British Council will host this visit at their official premises. It will be held in a table top format and each Institution can send a maximum of two delegates. A detailed itinerary will be shared with participating UK institutions after confirmations are received.

Important Information about the event :

  1. Cost: a participation fee of £500+VAT per UK institution will be charged per city (see below for applicable discounts)
  2. Participating delegates will need to organise and fund their own international/domestic air travel, accommodation and related expenses.  We shall recommend hotels for accommodation to participating delegates directly
  3. This mission is open only to UK Institutions and selection will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Agents will not be allowed to participate on behalf of the institution but University offices are welcome to participate
  4. The mission will be open to a minimum of three UK institutions. Only two delegates per institution will be allowed to participate
  5. Participating institutions are requested to carry a branded table cloth along with a University banner or a standee.
  6. The participation fee does not include freight costs. Freight will be the responsibility of the participating institution.

Participation in ONE city: £500 + VAT
Participation in TWO cities: £900 + VAT ( post discount of 10%)
Participation in THREE cities:£1275 + VAT (post discount of 15%)
Participation in FOUR or ALL cities: £1600 + VAT (post discount of 20%)

How will this event be marketed to students?
For students who have already applied:

  • Institutions will be requested to communicate the event information to students and we will fix up city-wise appointments based on the responses.
  • If preferred and agreed, we can liaise directly with the students to market the event – for this we will require the participating institution to share the contact details of the students they have contacted over last few months.

For potential students for current intake, extensive and focussed publicity through:

  • Multiple British Council channels including digital and social media platforms. This will include the British Council website, Education UK website and Facebook and Twitter channels.
  • Emailers to a large student database and key contacts including schools and colleges databases.
  • Tele-calling to the relevant database of students met over the last one year through British Council education events.


Action Required

To know more, or to participate, please send your expression of interest to Shruti Khanna at shruti.khanna@britishcouncil.org and siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org latest by Thursday, 19 March 2015