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  • British Council collaborates with Royal Society of Chemistry for the 'Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop'

British Council collaborates with Royal Society of Chemistry for the 'Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop'

British Council in collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry announces Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop grant which will fund and bring together early-career researchers from India and the UK to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. These workshops will contribute to the capacity building of researchers and will also support them in establishing new links or significantly develop existing links with the potential for longer term sustainability leading to improvement in the quality of their research.

Research areas

The proposals are invited in the field of Chemistry only.

Within the chemical sciences proposals, the following priority areas have been identified

1. Human Health – e.g. antimicrobial resistance, neglected diseases, medicinal chemistry, bio-materials.

2. Energy – e.g. sustainable fuels, chemicals and energy storage.

3. Environment and Sustainability – e.g. new materials, nanomaterials, water quality, climate, agriculture, air.

4. Research with relevance to the above areas at the Chemistry-Biology interface, the Chemistry-Materials interface and the Chemistry-Environmental Science interface.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Each proposal must have one workshop coordinator from the UK, as well as a workshop coordinator from India.

2. The candidates interested to apply as workshop coordinators should qualify the ‘Leading Researcher R4’ criteria as defined by the European Commission  

3. Only workshops covering chemistry-related research can be funded.


For further details, please refer the call guidelines call guidelines

Call closing date 28th September 2015 at 20:30 hrs IST

To have detailed information, please follow the link: www.britishcouncil.in/workshop-grants-newton-fundresearcher-links-july-2015

Action Required

To have detailed information, please follow the link: www.britishcouncil.in/workshop-grants-newton-fundresearcher-links-july-2015