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British Council Agents Training launches in Uganda on 20 October

Train your agents in East Africa

British Council Uganda are the first country in East Africa to offer the British Council Professional Development programmes for Agents. This means that if you are looking for agents in East Africa you will be able to find them on our Global agents List.

The training provides a certificated qualification, designed for education agents, counsellors and consultants, to strengthen their expertise in promoting the UK as a study destination. It builds the skills, knowledge and capacity to work effectively on behalf of UK organisations.

The aim of the training programme is to develop knowledge of the following:

  • the UK education and training system; courses and qualifications at each level
  • the attractions for students considering studying and living in the UK
  • quality assurance mechanisms and how they operate
  • student lifestyle issues – living costs, travel and accommodation
  • course fees and scholarships
  • welfare and support provided for international students in the UK
  • UK application procedures and standard entry requirements
  • visa and immigration regulations.

Action Required

If you work with Agents in East Africa and want them to access this professional development opportunity, contact Millicent Mugabi or email agent.enquiries@britishcouncil.org and include “Agents training UGANDA” in the subject line.