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  • Bombay Scottish School, India is looking for UK Institutions for a collaboration

Bombay Scottish School, India is looking for UK Institutions for a collaboration

The Bombay Scottish School, India is looking for UK Institutions to collaborate in the following areas listed below

• Summer school programmes

• Teacher exchanges

• Curriculum exchange

• University tour for Indian group of students


The school has excelled, for over 166 years, in providing fine education, to the pupils entrusted to its care. The School follows the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) up to the tenth grade and the Indian School Certificate (ISC) for the eleventh and twelfth grades and the student body has 3300 boys and girls.

The School pays special attention to needs of students with learning difficulties through sustained attention provided by specially trained staff.

The boys’ houses Haddow, Kennedy, MacPherson and MacGregor are named after Scottish missionaries who were closely associated with the Orphanage; The girls’ houses are named after the Scottish queens Anne, Victoria, Catherine and Elizabeth.

Facilities at Bombay Scottish

The school has state-of-the–art laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology. Apart from two main libraries, each classroom is provided with a separate library. Three computer laboratories facilitate training the students in IT. Interactive boards linked to the school’s server are provided in the classrooms. These interactive boards help the students understand the concepts through video clippings, 3D diagrams and simulated experiments. Animated pictorial representation helps the teachers to explain with ease difficult concepts to the students.

Academic year at the school

The academic year which commences in June and concludes in April consists of two terms. The first term is from June till November and the second term is from November till April. Tests are conducted periodically and examinations are held at the end of every term. The courses of studies extend from kindergarten to class 10, at the end of which students appear for the ICSE Examinations For students who wish to study subjects at a higher level and earn credits in universities worldwide, the school offers the Advanced Placement Programme affiliated to the College Board in the U.S.A. from the year 2013 onwards.

The school is scoping for a UK Institution to partner on Summer schools, Teacher exchanges, Curriculum exchange and University tour.

For further information, please visit the website http://bombayscottish.in/mahim/home.php

Should you be interested, kindly write to Mr Sunit Koli on sunit.koli@in.britishcouncil.org

Action Required

Should you be interested, kindly write to Mr Sunit Koli on sunit.koli@in.britishcouncil.org