Bolashak Scholarship Program - New Fellowship Program

The Government of Kazakhstan‘s Centre for International Programs, which manages the Bolashak Scholarship Program, has launched a new Fellowship Program in 2012 to allow professionals to carry out research and work-based training in other countries for a period of up to twelve months. The Program can include up to six months of prior intensive language training.

The new Fellowship Program is aimed at faculty and teaching staff in universities, and at engineers, scientists and medical professionals.

The Centre for International Programs has already established a range of international partnerships to deliver training under the Fellowship Program, but is interested to establish further such partnerships, including in the UK.

Action Required

More information about how UK providers can engage with the Fellowship Program will be published shortly. If you wish to note your interest in receiving this, you can write to Asset Abdualiyev, Vice-President of the Centre for International Programs, at

please note that this is not a requirement for receiving such information.