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Best Student Research Idea Awards at New Directions in English Language Assessment Conference 2021

British Council and New Directions East Asia 2021 will be awarding the Best Student Research Idea (People’s Choice & Expert’s Choice) during this year’s conference. We are looking for Master’s and Doctoral level students to create and submit a short video outlining their research idea. The video presentations will be uploaded to the event platform and attendees and experts at New Directions 2021 will vote for the Best Student Research Idea at the conference and awards for the best idea(s) will be awarded to the successful submissions.

The move to online conferences and online classes has meant fewer opportunities for students of applied linguistics and language testing to share their research. We hope this competition will help to plug that gap.

Benefits of participation include:

  • Learning why public engagement is important
  • Enhancing your presentation skills
  • Receiving feedback from experts and peers
  • Networking with like-minded individuals and pooling knowledge
  • Floating research ideas for future development



Any student of any age enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral level language assessment programme or in a related field, e.g. Applied Linguistics. University students from East Asia, the UK or further afield are all welcome to submit their ideas.

Action Required

Please encourage your student to submit their ideas before deadline.
The deadline for submissions is November 19th, 2021

Find out more: https://www.britishcouncil.sg/student-research-idea-awards