Art and Design Press Tour

We are pleased to invite UK institutions with the programmes in Art&Design to participate in the Press tour which will take place from 25 February to 1 March 2013.

With the steady growth of Russian economy, the demand for internationally recognized degrees has gained an increased importance in the last few years. The field of Art&Design has always been at the top of subject list for Russian UG and PG students. The statistics shows a 10% annual growth in the total number of Russian students undertaking courses in the area of Art&Design at British universities and colleges. UK being a leader in cultural and creative economy is attracting students with its quality of education which is highly applicable in terms of career prospects.

The recent feedback from 2012 Education UK exhibition in Moscow has shown a great interest for Art and Design subjects in Russia so British Council has decided to organise a press tour specifically designed for Art & Design institutions to enable them to demonstrate the variety of programmes and courses to audiences considering their studies in this field.

What are the benefits for UK institutions?

  1. The media participating in the press tour – are the national leading publications in this field and British Council has already worked with some journalists in the frames of its Art projects. Press Tour is highly attractive event in terms of raising your profile and brand awareness in Russia.
  2. After the visit the journalists will publish materials about each institution they visited and your university will benefit from enhanced exposure in printed/online version of these arts and design publications. The estimated PR value of these publications is approximately GBP 51 000.
  3. BC team is happy to offer participants complimentary publication about your institution on EducationUK website and in our social media coverage.

How to participate?

Participation fee for press tour is GBP 1180 per institution.

Each hosting institution is also expected to provide accommodation for one night for the group of 5 people (4 journalists and accompanying British Council representative), transfer from/to rail station if relevant and lunch during the visit.

The deadline for expressing interest is 21 January 2013


Action Required

For more information please contact Elizaveta Utolina.