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Anglophone Teaching Fellow Positions available at Sciences Po France

Sciences Po welcomes post-doctoral and advanced doctoral students applications to teach in one of its three Anglophone undergraduate College Universitaire Campuses in France, either Reims, Menton or Le Havre. Each campus focuses on a world region and offers a 3-year Bachelors of Arts degree with curriculum based in History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology and Law. Courses are conducted in English. The successful candidate will pursue his/her own research and teach in the relevant area of world focus and disciplinary expertise. For Reims, the focus is Euro-American and Transatlantic Relations (http://college.sciences-po.fr/sitereims/). For Menton, the focus is Middle-East and Europe (http//college.sciences-po.fr/sitementon/). For LeHavre, the focus is Asia and Europe (http://college.sciences-po.fr/sitehavre/en/welcome). For full details please see attached file. The deadline for application is 30th April 2015.

For questions and expressions of intent please contact Delphine Groues, Academic Affairs (delphine.groues@sciencespo.fr or Tel: +33 1 45 49 52 63)

Action Required

For questions and expressions of intent please contact Delphine Groues, Academic Affairs (delphine.groues@sciencespo.fr or Tel: +33 1 45 49 52 63)