Alumni UK Symposium 2023

We are asking UK universities to share the invitation to our upcoming Alumni UK Symposium 2023 throughout their extensive alumni networks in India.

Taking place in Mumbai, India, the event will bring together UK alumni from across the region to share their profound expertise and engage in transformative dialogues. 

It will be an enriching experience that promises to connect, empower, and inspire. 

Why alumni should attend

Connect: forge meaningful connections with fellow UK graduates hailing from diverse backgrounds, creating lasting networks that extend far beyond the symposium.

Inspire: be inspired by the remarkable journeys of UK alumni who have left an indelible mark on their respective fields, leaving you with renewed vigour and purpose.

We eagerly anticipate the convergence of UK alumni from across the region, uniting for a day of discovery, camaraderie, and celebration.

Event details

Date: 14 October 2023
Location: Taj Lands End, Mumbai, India
Time: 10.30 am (IST)


Action Required

Please share the registration link below amongst your extensive alumni networks in India, and encourage them to register for this exceptional symposium.

Registration link:

Send any queries to or

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