Alumni Awards 2016: please tell us what you thought!

Alumni Awards 2016 - finalists in Hong Kong

Now that the Alumni Awards 2016 have drawn to a close, we’re collecting feedback from UK HEIs’ alumni relations offices to make sure that next year’s campaign continues to meet the needs and priorities of HEIs’ alumni work.

Celebrating the achievements of outstanding alumni in ten locations around the world*, this year we received applications from more than 830 alumni in ten countries, representing more than 110 UK HEIs from all four UK countries, and:

  • 94 finalists, representing 46 HEIs
  • Out of 94 finalists, 29 winners, representing 24 HEIs
  • In China alone, press coverage (print) reached more than 11 million people, and print and digital coverage generated more than 675 million impressions.


Tell us what worked and what didn’t…

To help us plan for the 2017 Alumni Awards, we would really appreciate it if you could spend 3 to 6 minutes to answer a few questions - whether or not your university took part in the awards, or had a finalist/winner.

The link to the 6 minute survey is below.

Thank you for your support.


*For more on this year’s prestigious award ceremonies, see the highlights, profiles of the award winners, and photos. 

Action Required

Tell us what worked and what didn’t…

The link to the survey is:

The survey has been sent to all UK HEIs’ alumni relations staff and generic alumni email address. We only need one set of responses per institution, so you may wish to agree which person from your alumni relations team will complete it. If you’d like to review the questions before entering the survey, a PDF version is available upon request from

The survey closes at the end of Monday 9 May. A full report of the 2016 awards will be available in late May, along with plans for the 2017 Alumni Awards.

If you have any questions, please email