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Advert and Advertorial Opportunities in Education UK Magazine 2015

Following the success of our two publications , our 2015 publication will be coming out earlier , next year.

Our annual publication provides information on emerging trends in education, internationalising education, holistic information on career counselling and other topics student influencers need to know about UK education. It also contains success stories and interviews of UK Alumni.

This is your chance to place an advert or advertorial in this annual publication seen by thousands of school counsellors, agents, educators, students and parents in Pakistan.


Target Audience & Circulation

  • 10,000 copies of the publication are distributed to educational institutes both schools and HE sector. The circulation is also distributed at EUK events and sent to major libraries across the country.
  • The target audience of this magazine is career advisors, educationists and students.



A digital copy of last year's publication is attached. Please view the attached document to have a better understanding of our magazine.

Action Required

Please prepare an Express of Interest (EOI) with the following information:

  • Institution Information: This must include exact legal name and type of organisation, mailing address, number of years the organization has been in business, contact name and title, telephone number, fax number, website and email address.
  • A soft copy of the advert / advertorial


The EOI must be submitted by email by 4:00pm PST, on Thursday , 22 January  2015. Responses should be no longer than 3-4 pages. Send your EOI at


CC: saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk


As we have limited space for advertisements, your request will be given priority on first come first serve basis.


Questions regarding EOI must be received no later than 15 January, 2015. Questions may be sent through email or via phone to: Maharoop Sheri , Maharoop.sheri@britishcouncil.org.pk, cell: 0302-8200246.

Please note: EOIs received after the due date will be considered for review solely at the discretion of EUK, if it is determined to be in the best interest of EUK. False, misleading, incomplete or deceptively unresponsive submissions in connection with this EOI shall be a sufficient cause of rejection.