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Easy Step Guide on Education Cooperation and Investment in Vietnam

The Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) launched an Easy Step Guide on Education Cooperation and Investment in Vietnam at the Conference on Cooperation and Investment in Education 2022. This guidebook is a result of joint effort between the MOET’s International Cooperation Department (ICD) and the British Council in Vietnam.

The objective of this easy step guide is to support transparency and clarity on the regulatory framework, and thus facilitate increased TNE collaborations between Vietnam and other foreign countries, including UK, which lead to greater student/ academic mobility. All of this enhances capacity building and the quality of education and contributes to greater graduate employability.

The guidebook includes up to date policies and guidance from Ministry of Education and Training for cooperation and investment in education in Vietnam. It provides a clear and transparent process for foreign education institutions to set up a joint education/training programme, a new foreign owned education institution or a representative office in Viet Nam. This is a part of British Council supports to create an enabling environment to increase more UK TNE programmes in Viet Nam. The e-version of the guidebook will be updated by ICD when it comes to policy changes.

Action Required

If you are interested in cooperation and investment opportunities in Vietnam and want to have a copy of this guidebook, please register at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/2FjRkvruTA.