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China-Link Scholarship Programme for UK students

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) has recently launched the China-Link Scholarship Programme, aimed at enhancing international academic exchange. The announcement was released in April 2024, offering international university students the opportunity to take part in academic and research activities in China, starting no later than August 2025.

The China-Link Scholarship Programme extends to students from 181 foreign universities, including 34 from the United Kingdom. The scholarships range from 1 to 12 months in duration, providing substantial support including tuition waivers, free on-campus accommodation, comprehensive medical insurance, and a monthly stipend (CNY 3,000 for general scholars and CNY 3,500 for senior scholars).

To be eligible, applicants must be non-Chinese citizens under 45 years old for general scholars and 50 for senior scholars, exhibiting academic excellence and good moral character. They must be registered full-time students or full-time academic staff at one of CSC’s partner universities. Applications must be completed online through the CSC portal, with deadlines on April 15, July 15, October 15, 2024, and January 15, 2025.

The UK universities whose students can apply for this scholarship include:


1. Cardiff University

2. Durham University

3. Imperial College London

4. King's College London

5. Lancaster University

6. Loughborough University

7. Queen Mary University of London

8. Queen's University Belfast

9. University College London

10. University of Bath

11. University of Birmingham

12. University of Bristol

13. University of Cambridge

14. University of Dundee

15. University of East Anglia

16. University of Exeter

17. University of Glasgow

18. University of Huddersfield

19. University of Hull

20. University of Kent

21. University of Leeds

22. University of Leicester

23. University of Liverpool

24. University of Manchester

25. University of Newcastle

26. University of Nottingham

27. University of Oxford

28. University of Portsmouth

29. University of Sheffield

30. University of Southampton

31. University of St Andrews

32. University of Surrey

33. University of Warwick

34. University of York


Implications for UK Universities

This programme offers a unique opportunity for students enrolled in multiple institutions in the United Kingdom to gain international exposure and deepen their understanding of the academic and cultural environments in China. In addition, the programme provides a platform for nurturing further academic and mobility collaborations between institutions in the United Kingdom and China.


For more detailed information, please visit the CSC official website or the China Link Scholarship Programme page on campuschina.org.




