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World Bank initiates project to accelerate higher education in Bangladesh

The World Bank is initiating a next generation Higher Education Acceleration and Transformation (HEAT) project, which will emphasise on graduate employability, and governance including excellence in women’s education in Bangladesh.

According to the press release by the University Grants Commission Bangladesh, the core goals of this project are to establish a regional network of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), improve teaching, learning and research to support graduate employability and improve the higher education management of the country.

Under the HEAT project 3.8 million tertiary level teachers and researchers will be immensely benefited. The project will be implemented by the UGC Bangladesh for a period of five years. The project design will be completed in June 2019.

HEI teachers and researchers will be the direct beneficiary of the HEAT project which will subsequently benefit the students in HEIs in Bangladesh. This means quality of education in local HEIs will improve thus ensuring UK HEIs receive quality graduates for postgraduate programmes. 

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