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Winning HEIs announced in the final round of the German Excellence Strategy

The international panel of 39 experts from a range of disciplines have decided the winners of the Excellence Strategy.
Ten universities across Germany and one Berlin consortium will receive €148m extra funding annually.

Out of the 19 applications that got through to the second round, the following universities and university consortium of Excellence were selected to receive permanent institutional funding as well as the sought-after title: university of excellence (in alphabetical order):

- RWTH Aachen University
- Berlin University Alliance*
- University of Bonn
- Technische Universität Dresden
- Universität Hamburg
- Heidelberg University
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- University of Konstanz
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Technical University of Munich
- University of Tübingen

*consisting of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

The Universities of Excellence are located across six of the 16 federal states, namely: Baden-Württemberg (4), Bavaria (2), Berlin (1 consortium), Hamburg (1), North Rhine-Westphalia (2) and Saxony (1)

The funding provided through the funding line “Universities of Excellence” is, in principle, permanent. However, there are two additional provisions: the selected universities need to again secure the required minimum number of Clusters of Excellence in the next call (in seven years) in order to continue to meet the formal funding prerequisites. They will also be re-evaluated every seven years and continuously funded if the evaluation result is positive. Four additional universities or university consortia could be funded from 2026 onwards in the second call for universities of excellence.
The Excellence Strategy is a permanent funding programme aimed at strengthening top-level research at German universities as well as encouraging the development of distinct university profiles and enhancing cooperation within the German system of research and higher education. The federal government and the 16 federal states are providing an annual total budget of 533 Mio. Euro. 75 % of the funding is provided by the federal government and 25 % by the respective state governments.

If you want to learn more about partnership opportunities in Germany, please contact our Head of Education in Germany, Ailsa Kienberger: ailsa.kienberger@britishcouncil.de

If you are interested in recruiting in Germany, there are still a few places left on the January 2020 Germany Roadshow. More information: https://education-services.britishcouncil.org/exhibition/study-uk-german...