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Wider Europe - Covid-19 update - 19 April 2021

In order to keep the UK education sector updated on the market changes, priorities and give an overview of the situation with Covid-19 in Wider Europe, the International Education Services team in the region is pleased to present you with the following news. 

In this update we will give you an overview of the situation with Covid-19 in the Wider Europe countries, the pandemic effect on the education system, economy and other key areas of countries' development. 

Here is the quick summary in the region: 

Turkey - Covid-19 cases continuously increase and new measures are in place

Uzbekistan - relaxed lockdown measures, schools and HEIs deliver face-to-face, five-fold increase in governmental scholrships, Digital Uzbekistan launches



Update 16 April 

The number of Covid-19 cases have climbed up to 60K as of 15 April 2021. New measures were rolled out as of 13 April and the ongoing weekend curfew stays in place. Daily curfew hours now begin at 19:00 pm and end at 05:00 am during weekdays. Intercity travel is largely banned unless it is a necessity. Air passengers are still allowed. Citizens over 65 and under 18 are banned from public transport. All events are postponed until after Eid al-Fitr. All restaurants and cafes are open only for take-out or delivery services. Workplaces will offer flexible working hours ending the workday by 16:00 pm.

Temperature checks and physical distancing rules are still in place and wearing a mask is compulsory in public areas.

Flights arriving directly from Brazil, Denmark, South Africa and UK are suspended. Passengers from those countries are subject to quarantine for 10 days. Until 30 May, passengers must have a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken at most 72 hrs before departure from the first embarkation point.

The Turkish Government have implemented a series of COVID-19 travel restrictions that are affecting flight operations between the United Kingdom and Turkey.

Direct flights have been temporarily suspended from UK to Turkey. Flights from Turkey to the UK continue.

Mass vaccination with Chinese Sinovak is in progress, to date, over 15 per cent of the total population has been vaccinated. Biontech is also an option for people who have a chronic disease.

Economic outlook in Turkey

The Turkish Lira continues losing value against foreign currencies. TRY devalued ten per cent against Sterling in April 2021.

The industrial production index increased by 8.8 percent on an annual basis in February. Turkey has become one of the G-20 countries that increased annual industrial production the most.

With over EUR 1 billion investment total in onshore wind power in 2020, Turkey has entered the top 5 countries with the highest investment in Europe.

Turkey's current account balance posted a USD 2.6 billion gap in February, increasing by USD 1.2 billion from the same month last year.

Unemployment in Turkey was 13.4 percent in February, up 0.7 percent from the previous month, according to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat). The number of unemployed people aged 15 and over increased by 250 thousand to 4.2 million in February compared to January. The employment rate also slightly diminished 0.1 percent month-on-month to 43.4 percent, or 27.5 million people.

Turkey has successfully tested its first national and original hybrid engine that will be used in its planned Moon Mission for 2023

School and university closures

Over 26 million students are affected by Covid-19, including 18 million school students and 8 million higher education students.


Due to recent measures all students except for pre-school students, 8th graders, and high school seniors who are preparing for exams, will resume their classes via remote education.

Second semester exams will be conducted as of May. Final year results to become available by mid June.

The final SAT date for this academic year is May, and results should be available by the last week of May. SAT Subject tests will be held early June and scores should be released by the last week of June. IB and AP should be available early July.


The delivery mode of teaching at universities is hybrid, a combination of online and face-to-face teaching/activities for small groups those are required for applied science courses.

International Student Mobility

We met the cultural offices of competitor countries to update each other on developments in our markets in April.

Most of the missions are busy with attending local virtual fairs and talks/webinars organised by third parties.

They all reported there is a high interest from students. However, some countries are unlikely to open their borders for any visitors including students, e.g. USA, Canada, Australia.

Therefore the interests will likely to shift to the UK and EU countries those offering programmes in English.

The number of students enrolled in a UK higher education programme increased (from 4,130 to 4,440) by 8 per cent in 2019/20 compared to previous year. The undergraduate market grew by 14 per cent. This is similar to the growth in undergraduate in previous years.

With a 15 per cent increase, Chevening Scholarship Programme received 465 applications for the 2021-22 academic year. The Chevening Office has completed the interviews of 104 candidates and the results will be announced in the first week of June.  In this cohort, 25 to 30 scholarships are on offer.

Ministry of National Education (MoNE) scholars carry on their study without any restrictions or measures in place. MoNE is closely watching the normalisation period in the UK. Scholars will be able to start at their chosen study destination if UK universities are open for face-to-face teaching.

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)

Visa Application Centres (VACs) are operating with reduced working hours since 1 March. The VACs in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir are open three days a week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.


British Council direct marketing services, including digital promotion, remain available to help the UK institutions engage with students and retain a presence in Turkey.

For more information, please contact Semra Yalcin Dogan, Education Manager  at mailto:Semra.Yalcin@britishcouncil.org.tr.


Update 16 April


  • Most of the lockdown/quarantine measures have been lifted These include the suspension of most educational activities (schools, colleges, universities etc.)
  • Majority of Schools and Universities started working f2f having all measures in place
  • 5 fold increase in funding for State Scholarship Fund “El Yurt Umidi” - State Program for the implementation of the Action strategy in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017–2021 in the "Year of Youth Support and Health Promotion"
  • Strategy “Digital Uzbekistan - 2030” have been introduced

General situation in country and policy level developments

Economic picture:

  • The Central Bank of Uzbekistan expects GDP growth to decline to 1.5 to 2.5% in 2020 (against 5.2 to 5.5% projected earlier). According to the regulator’s forecasts, the most significant slowdown in growth is forecast in tourism, hotel industry and international transport. The Central Bank also forecasts a reduction in the amount of remittances to Uzbekistan by 30 to 35 % in 2020, which may hold back private consumption growth. Exports will likely weaken amid supply side disruptions, although higher gold and uranium prices should soften the downturn.
  • In the June issue of the WB World Economic Outlook report, data on world GDP growth for 2020-2021 were announced. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is projected to lead to a 1.7% decline in the Central Asian economy.
  • It is notable that among the 24 states in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Uzbekistan according to WB will become the only country where economic growth of 1.5% is currently expected in 2020. WB expects 6.6% increase in Uzbekistan’s economy in 2021. http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/344691588788182868/Global-Economic-Prospects-June-2020-Regional-Overview-ECA.pdf
  • Unemployment in Uzbekistan now stands at nearly 2 million. In the first quarter of the year, the unemployment level had stood at 1.35 million. The government anticipates unemployment to triple. According to government figures 45,000 businesses in retail and wholesale, 13,000 cafes and restaurants, 19,000 service companies, and 7,000 transport companies have been closed as a result of C19
  • A significant proportion of the population will be immediately impacted by a decline in remittances as a result of the economic shocks in Russia (due to oil price and C19) and Kazakhstan. Already, 140,000 migrant workers have returned to Uzbekistan and the Central Bank has noted that remittances were down 50% in April year on year. Remittances were worth approximately US$ 4.25 billion to the Uzbek economy in 2019 and constitute a critical source of income for families in provincial areas. 

State Budget for Education in Uzbekistan (2021)

Education Market

2020/2021 Academic Year

  • This year 162,364 bachelor's and 10,425 master's degrees have been allocated for study at the country's universities. 91 higher educational institutions accepted documents for admission to bachelor's degree from 1 million 484 thousand applicants, which is 39 percent more than last year. 10.6 people apply for one student place. 78 thousand 720 people applied for admission to the masters in 72 educational institutions, which is 3 times more than last year. https://kun.uz/ru/news/2020/08/06/v-uzbekistane-vstupitelnyye-ekzameny-v-vuzy-proydut-v-dve-smeny-na-otkrytyx-stadionax
  • New Decree of President dated 13 June 2020 introducing unified school graduation and University entrance exams from 2021/2022. Earlier this year, the STC published for discussion a draft presidential decree that provides for the introduction of a system of admission to universities based on the results of school graduation tests, without conducting additional exams.
  • According to the project, it is proposed to introduce a unified exam from the academic year 2021/2022. Testing is planned in April-May 2021.

The Law on Education was signed off by the President of Uzbekistan on September 24, 2020 https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2020/09/24/education/ .

It describes in detail the types of education and forms of education, clarifies the powers of government agencies, defines key education principles and standards. The Law stipulates the legal status of teaching staff, guarantees of their activities, as well as responsibilities. In addition, it describes the rights and obligations of students, their parents and other legal representatives.

The Law talks about:

  • roles and responsibilities of Ministries of education, state QA agency, the Agency for Presidential, specialised and creativity schools
  • formal and inform education and different forms of it incl distance education, dual award, adult learning and inclusive education
  • key education principles and standards
  • education programmes, their modernisation and processes involved
  • governance of education institutions and its new forms.


Chapter 10. International cooperation in the field of education

International cooperation of educational organizations

Educational organizations carry out international cooperation with the relevant educational institutions and organizations of foreign countries through:

  • development of scientific and technical cooperation on education problems;
  • creation of joint faculties, training centers and scientific laboratories;
  • preparation of joint educational and research projects and programs of international level;
  • implementation of joint fundamental and applied research projects;
  • conducting scientific and practical seminars, conferences and symposia;
  • exchange of students, masters, doctoral students, teachers and researchers;
  • introduction of double degree programs (Double Diploma);
  • other activities provided by law.

Educational organizations can carry out training in cooperation with educational institutions and organizations of foreign states in accordance with the law.

International cooperation in the field of education

International cooperation in the field of education is carried out in accordance with international treaties and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Authorized government bodies in the field of education:

  • cooperate with the relevant competent authorities, educational institutions of foreign states;
  • send citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan for training in educational institutions of foreign states;
  • exchange teachers and students;
  • organize training, retraining and advanced training of management and teaching staff in foreign countries;
  • send their employees and specialists to international conferences and internships, support their participation in international projects and scientific research.

The authorized bodies of state administration in the field of education may also carry out other measures to develop international cooperation in the field of education in accordance with the legislation.

State Program for the implementation of the Action strategy in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017–2021 in the "Year of Youth Support and Health Promotion" states: https://review.uz/post/gosudarstvennaya-programma-god-podderjki-molodyoji-i-ukrepleniya-zdorovya-naseleniya

In order to radically increase the efficiency of training of gifted specialists in prestigious foreign educational, scientific and other institutions for professions in demand in the republic, starting from April 1, 2021:

  • to increase by 5 times the number of young people sent to study for master's and doctoral studies at prestigious foreign universities through the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation;
  • introduce a system of training for bachelor's degree programs abroad at the expense of the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation and ensure that in 2021, 100 young people are sent abroad for education;
  • to introduce the practice of conducting on a regular basis the selection of candidates for all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their place of work and residence in the republic, according to the educational programs of the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation on the basis of an open competition for scholarships;
  • introduce the procedure for holding a scholarship competition for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs on the basis of applications from prestigious foreign educational, scientific or other institutions for admission to study.
  • The El-Yurt Umidi Foundation will take concrete measures within a month to radically improve the system of training civil servants and specialists abroad.
  • Special attention will be paid to improving the coverage and quality of higher education. Starting next year, the number of state grants for higher education will be increased by at least 25 percent.
  • Double the quota of scholarships for girls from low-income families and bring it to 2 thousand. Special scholarships will be introduced for girls in need of social support who study excellently.
  • At present, young people strive to enter the most prestigious universities, but there is no competition among universities to attract educated and talented youth. In this regard, a system will be introduced to provide private universities with a state order for the training of specialists in demand.
  • In order to strengthen the continuity between universities and the lower levels of the education system, 65 academic lyceums will be transferred to the jurisdiction of higher educational institutions, and 187 technical schools will be assigned to specialized universities and industry enterprises.
  • Ties with leading foreign universities, scientific and innovation centers will be strengthened, cooperation with them in the field of personnel training will be expanded.
  • In this regard, the number of young people sent to study for magistracy and doctoral studies in foreign universities through the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation will increase fivefold next year. Through the fund, we will send 100 of our boys and girls to study at a bachelor's degree in other countries for the first time. In subsequent years, their number will increase by 2-3 times.
  • In the new year, 30 leading universities in the country will have the right to independently develop curricula, determine admission quotas and solve financial issues.

Strategy “Digital Uzbekistan - 2030”

  • organization of training for 587 thousand people in the basics of computer programming, including by attracting 500 thousand young people in the framework of the project "One million Coders“
  • On January 1, 2021, compensation systems for up to 50 percent of citizens' expenses for obtaining international IT certificates in system administration, database and cloud platform management, information security and other popular areas is introduced

Obtaining education abroad

  • El Yurt Umidi foundation is planning to send 500 masters and 100 bachelor students to study abroad. 900 people will be sent abroad this year (civil servants) for short courses and professional development.


  • National development strategy 2017-2021: prioritises economic development and strong focus on capacity development and education
  • New 2030 HE and Public Education development concepts published in 2019: relevance of education to meet country’s ambition, internationalisation and standards ( PISA)
  • TNE and internationalization of HE is prioritized to widen access and ensure quality (dedicated Decrees being issued to offer preferential terms, 35 new HEIs set up with 18 being international universities affiliates)

  Investments: GoU, international agencies, private 

  • Public Education/Presidential schools development funding: Presidential schools being set up /Cambridge International – paid by GoU
  • Public Education ministry/private investors – setting up International University for Education
  • Private businesses have set up first private entrepreneurship university (TEAM) with LSBU (London South Bank), outcome of Creative Spark project in Uzbekistan
  • WB, UNESCO, Swiss, KFW/GIZ considering Covid-response funds which may include education, e.g. (the World Bank approved $200 million in additional development policy financing to support Uzbekistan’s ongoing health, social, and economic policy responses to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic - http://projects.worldbank.org/P173948?lang=en).


  • Main area to highlight is GoU efforts to support education and welcome international HE’s
  • Uzbekistan is a growing market for UK English language programmes, over the last two years the number of language centers and courses and foundation programmes with UK partners increased, short-term summer courses, foundation courses, and ELT online courses are all popular in the market.
  • National Higher Education Reform Decree dated July 2017 requires all universities to teach at least one programme in English by 2020 thus creating demand for content and TNE partnership.
  • TNE, products and services (WIUT, International University of Education, TEAM; Teaching materials - Macmillan, OUP, Pearson. System to System knowledge sharing and consultancies -e.g. Quality Assurance)

Number of Uzbek students going abroad for HE

  • It is estimated around 80K students went abroad to study in 2020
  • Most to Russia, China, Korea and Baltic states
  • UK: HESA stats in 2018 – 200, 2019 – 230, 2020 - 450

Info we have on size of the market of those considering taking a TNE delivered course

  • In 2019 survey showed that 15.4 % of pupil wanted to apply for foreign HEs in Uzbekistan. That is 164,306 pupils


For more information and insights about the COVID-19 situation in Uzbekistan, please contact Shukhrat Amanov, Country Projects Manager, British Council Uzbekistan at Shukhrat.amanov@britishcouncil.org


Read our previous report here