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  • What's behind the growth of outward mobility from Nepal?

What's behind the growth of outward mobility from Nepal?

Student mobility from Nepal has been growing rapidly over the last few years and reached a record high of 30,000 students in 2014/15, according to the Nepal government’s records (excluding students travelling to India). Two recent articles; one from Nepalese education expert Umesh Raj Regmi from the Nepal Youth Foundation and Elizabeth Koprowski, an American freelance writer who has worked in higher education, explore the reasons behind the rapid growth of outward mobility of students from Nepal. To summarise both articles some key reasons are cited as:

  • Lack of supply especially at the Post-Graduate Level
  • Large growth in student population
  • Lack of work opportunities in Nepal
  • Poor quality of higher education and supporting infrastructure
  • Political instability

Links to the original articles are below and are worth reading if you are considering Nepal as a potential recruitment market.