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Vietnamese universities urged to admit returning students to TNE programmes

The Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam (MOET) recently requested local universities to consider the admission of Vietnamese students who are returning from overseas study destinations due to Covid-19. Many students returning from oversees are now seeking to continue their studies at local universities rather than continuing with their overseas degree.

The MOET suggested that the most appropriate programmes for these students would be transnational education programmes that include overseas curriculum and are taught totally or in part in English.

Admissions of returning students must be aligned with regular admissions criteria and programme capacity. Local universities are encouraged to consider the exemption of some credits, modules or units of study for returning students based on their current study results.

Responding to the request of the MOET, some local universities are preparing to welcome returning students, but have said that they can only admit students who satisfy their admission criteria, for example compatible majors and appropriate English levels and certificates. Some universities will also take into account the ranking of foreign institutions where the applicant is studying, and may require interviews with students seeking a transfer. Transnational education programmes with models of 2+2, 3+1 or 4+0 are considered to be most suitable for returning students who want to transfer to a public local university. 

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Comments by Lien Ta, Senior Education Services Manager:

The announcement by the MOET may provide an opportunity for current UK transnational education programmes in Vietnam to increase recruitment for the coming autumn. UK institutions could work with local partners to increase the marketing of their programmes to target this group of returning students. Marketing messaging could focus on benefits in terms of cost, local industry knowledge and networks (employability), reputation of the foreign TNE partner, as well as support in terms of credit transfer, exemption of study units etc. Institutions should take care to ensure any admissions are in line with the usual admissions criteria.