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Vietnam-UK Education Cooperation Forum in London

A Joint Statement between the Ministry of Education and Training, the British Council in Vietnam and UK Higher Education International Unit was signed at the Vietnam-UK Education Cooperation Forum in London on 11 September to enhance the following four areas of cooperation:

  1. policy dialogue
  2. education development
  3. academic and student exchange and
  4. qualification recognition and reference.

In particular, all parties agreed to look at mechanisms to increase the number of Vietnamese students and lecturers to the UK through Vietnam governmental scholarship schemes such as Project 559 and 911 and through collaborative programmes between Vietnamese and UK institutions.

As spoke by HE Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Vu Van Ninh at the conference, the government of Vietnam requested the UK government to continue helping Vietnam with the development of the Vietnam-UK University project in Danang, with the establishment of English Testing Centre and mutual recognition of qualifications, and to support Vietnamese students in the UK.

The forum introduced best practices in building successful bilateral collaboration through three case studies in vocational education, student exchange and postgraduate education. It also opened discussions on how to promote stronger and more sustainable research collaboration between Vietnam and the UK.

Also at the event, ACCA signed memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with the Foreign Trade University, the Academy of Finance, and the University of Economics under the University of Danang. The MOUs aim to prepare students with practical knowledge in all areas of finance and accountancy by giving them opportunities to experience the workplace.

The bilateral forum was jointly held by the Ministry of Education and Training, the Embassy of Vietnam in the UK and the British Council Vietnam as part of the Vietnam Discovery week to mark the fifth anniversary of Vietnam-UK Strategic Partnership and the Platinum Jubilee of modern Vietnam during its 70th birthday. Attending this event were Vietnam and UK government officials, academia from more than 100 universities and educational foundations, the business community, the media and other interested parties.

Find further details about the forum and event proceedings from the British Council website and ACCA’s signing agreements.


Commentary by Van Anh Hoang, Assistant Director, Higher and Further Education

Under the Vietnam Higher Education Reform Agenda (HERA), universities are given greater autonomy and accountability in a search for increasing competitiveness and education quality improvement through international collaboration in teaching, learning and research.  Improved quality of university lecturers, the raise of English proficiency among students and lecturers and the fast growing middle income class creates market for Trans National Education courses.  In the area of research, the UK government commits to provide 10 million Pounds Sterling over 5 years until 2019 under the Newton Fund to support Vietnam’s development in the area of innovation.  This has opened opportunity for research collaboration and exchange at individual and institutional levels.