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Vietnam National Government Scholarship aims at 7,600 PhD and Master lecturers by 2030

The Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam is implementing Programme 89 to improve the capacity of lecturers and managers of higher education institutions to meet the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training in period 2019-2030.

Programme 89 sets a goal in the next 10 years to train about 7,300 lecturers from Vietnamese higher education institutions (HEI) with doctoral degrees and over 300 lecturers in the culture, arts and physical training and sports sector with master's degrees, accounting for 10% of the total lecturers at Vietnam HEIs.

Programme 89 aims at the following objectives:
a/ Having 10% of HE lecturers trained at doctoral degrees level, of which 7% of lecturers are trained full time abroad, 3% of lecturers receive domestic training programs and joint programs between Vietnamese universities and foreign universities achieving regional and world quality standards;

b/ Having more than 80% of the lecturers in the culture, art and physical training and sports sectors trained to have a master's degree or higher, receive full-time training programs provided by foreign educational institutions or domestic institutions meeting regional and world quality as well as structured reasonably;

c/ Improving university administration skills for managers of higher education institutions and improving a number of skills, such as: developing training programs, foreign languages, Information Technology and teaching methods... for 100 % lecturers;

e) Attracting at least 1,500 scientists and doctorate degree holders who are working abroad or domestically outside of higher education institutions to work at Vietnamese higher education institutions.

The draft circular guiding the implementation of training at master's and doctoral levels according to Decision No. 89, stipulates that local institutions sending lecturers for training have autonomy, to be funded from the state budget for training under the Programme, and are responsible for sending detailed report for process in the selection of qualified candidates.

The draft circular emphasizes the responsibility of the sending institution, including developing a training plan for institution’s personnel within the scope of the scheme; fostering and creating a source of lecturers who wish to participate in Programme 89; ensuring sufficient capacity for organizational autonomy to choose publicity, transparency and fairness; managing and granting scholarships of Programme 89 to those who are sent to train under the guidance; report the implementation situation to the Ministry of Education and Training before December 31 every year, withdraw the scholarship of the Programme when the person sent for training violates the regulations.

The progress so far:
• Prime Minister decision to approve the project in Jan 2019
• Project consultation on implementation in 2019-2020
• Official guidance released by MOET in April 2021
• Consultation and information session by MOET with Vietnamese HEIs in May 2021
• Capacity statement and proposal submitted by Viet Nam HEIs to MOET by 20 May
• MOET’s announcement of eligible VN HEIs for the scholarship programme by 1 June 2021
• Pending on financial guidance from Ministry of Finance – expected before end of 2021
• Priority of Programme 89 for 2021: focusing on local PhD training and joint PhD training from the existing TNE programmes

Comments from British Council:
In difference with the previous government scholarships programme such as P911 focusing on lecturers training, programme 89 opens to support professional development for administrators at local universities and promote inward mobility.

To accomplish this task, local universities in Vietnam play a key role in both the selection process, sending lecturers for training, managing funding and monitoring the training process of lecturers. Local universities are advised to select overseas universities whose specific training area are rated among the world top 500 (no indication of a specific preferable table).

It’s a good opportunity for UK universities to work directly with local universities in Vietnam to provide appropriate training programmes or partner with them in training selected lecturers and administrators under Programme 89. We suggest UK universities to look for building up long term partnership with Viet Nam HEIs. Due to the nature of Programme 89, Viet Nam HEIs have more accountability in using state budget. At the same time, they need to consider where to send their scholars to in accordance with their institution strategy and capacity needs and to ensure scholars return to Viet Nam. As such, partnership is an assurance for Viet Nam HEIs in managing their scholars. Besides, if a partnership is formed, it can help develop research collaborations and promote outward mobility for UK universities (Turing Scheme).
Being the third largest TNE provider in Viet Nam, there is opportunity for new partnerships or being built from existing Higher Education Partnerships supported by the British Council and science and research partnership under the Newton Fund. In 2021 and due to travel limitation, MOET plans to prioritise local PhD training and joint PhD training from the existing TNE programmes. As such, 2021 is more for UK universities to explore, build partnership and design programme with potential Viet Nam partners.

British Council Vietnam is planning to work with The Ministry of Education and Training to organise a webinar about Programme 89 to provide guidance for local and UK universities in July. We will post the news about this event and information for registration as soon as the date and time for the event is confirmed.

- Programme 89 Vietnamese Government Scholarship – Decision from Prime Minister (attached file)
- Vietnamnet online newspaper - Vietnam aims to have 7,300 lecturers with doctoral degrees