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  • Vietnam merges high school graduation and university entrance exams - A suggestion for timing for UK institutions’ promotional visits

Vietnam merges high school graduation and university entrance exams - A suggestion for timing for UK institutions’ promotional visits

According to Decision No. 3538/QĐ-BGDĐT, as from 2015, students will only take one national exam for high school graduation and university admission instead of two exams taking place one month apart previously.

Students will sit exams for four subjects, three compulsory (Mathematics, Literature, Foreign language), and one or more optional subjects at students’ choice from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, and Geography.

The national exam this year has been scheduled for 1 to 4 July inclusive.  University admission will take place in four batches from late August until October or November for some institutions.


UK institutions, who are planning promotional visits to Vietnam targeting at high school students, are advised to come before mid-June or after the first week of July to avoid low attendance rates for your events and activities.

On the other hand, the period from late August to November, when after the university admission results are announced, can be good time for promotional visits for January intake, as those who fail to obtain a place at a university in Vietnam may consider studying abroad.
